Yamidoo Magazine - My First WordPress Theme

I’m proud to present my first WordPress Theme - Yamidoo Magazine.

Yamidoo Magazine is a Magazine-Style Premium Theme created for any type of informative websites such as a complex News Portal, or simply informative blog. With a simple layout, this theme can be easily adapted to create a perfect look of your blog, whatever how advanced are your skills in web-design.

    Frong Page Screenshot
    Yamidoo Magazine has a very well organized structure, that allows your readers to be focused on the most important of your content.

    Unique Features:
  • Featured Content Section
  • Built in support for Google Analytics and Feedburner
  • Integrated Banner Management System (125 x 125)
  • Custom templates for categories, archives, authors, search results
  • Auto-resizing and cropping for images
    Single Article Screenshot
    More Features:
  • Support for WordPress 2.7
  • Cross-Browser Compatible - tested on IE (6,7), Opera, Firefox, Safari, Chrome.
  • Flickr widget
  • Theme Documentation
  • Integrated Theme Options
  • Tabbed Widgets
  • Widgetized Sidebars.
  • Built-in Gravatar Support for Authors & Comments
  • Drop Down Menus
  • Integrated social bookmarking in posts
  • Photoshop Files (.psd) included
    Featured Content Section Screenshot
    What’s in the box when you buy Yamidoo Magazine?
  • Documentation File (.pdf) on how to install the theme
  • License agreement
  • Photoshop files (.psd) for homepage and single articles
  • Themes files
  • Needed plugins to give more functionality to the theme.
    Social Bookmarking Box Screenshot
    Theme Options Screenshot
    Affiliate Program

    You can join our Affiliate Program and promote Yamidoo Magazine WordPress Theme via your website. All you need to do, is sign up for our affiliate program through E-Junkie. Once you have signed up, you can start selling Yamidoo Magazine WordPress Theme immediately. You will receive 25% commission on all the sales generated through your website. These commissions will be paid within 7 days of the end of the month and all payments will be made via PayPal only.

    Join our Affiliate Program Now!

2009-02-24 21:11:01


Ultimele 25 posturi adăugate

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