ingenting nej ingenting (and i love* you)

*wakeup wanttosleep
want nothing but
thedreamisdead longlivethedream
may be youll see her to day
so getup

bathroom disinfectant like putrid chestnuts
sit and shit and ponder the meaning of life
and forgodssakes keep your eyes closed when brushing your teeth
(thirld wolrld)

food minus taste
add mustard or ketchup or mayonnaise
not nonsweet sugar but
sweet sugarfree sweetener
and filteredwater with a distinct taste
the taste of chewinggum overchewed

free hugs sorries and thanks no thanks
her eyes smile
but she dreamsnot what youdream
(first world)

outofphase ambulance wails
twelvestrobes in fivedirections
smilingfaces on the website
of a mental hospital
cheerful noises
and a twentyfourseven funeral service

albino squirrels
pin ging stree tlights
walk inwhite stop inred
newspeak in the t station

noise repeat
blur repeat
depth of field decrease
in stay(up)
and pull the shades down

planes taking off at threeinthemorning
surroundsound fire alarms
sweaty feet under nylon sheets
the sound of ventilation is your lullaby

overload not sensory synesthetic
colors of france britain russia and the czech republic
despair brown. cells abcdeeing you
hope not from above from the underground
from the grave of beethoven

stomach rumbling like a badharddisk
to forgetsomeone is as easy as removefromcontactlist
the wood texture on this nonwood desk is p i x e l a t e d
(beculeţeledelamodemclipesc) thereforeIam

Posted in Life, Poetry, Random, Romanian, Thoughts, Writing Tagged: absurd, anything, beethoven, black ribbon, blur, chewing gum, cummings, digression, dream, enough, everything, fake, fineprint, food, free, glory, gray, grey, hope, ingenting, insane, iWish, love, meaning, noise, non sequitur, nonsense, nothing, obscure, one song, overdone, overload, parenthesis, persona, pixel, quiet, sanity, scream, senses, silence, sleep, smell, sterile, taste, underground, us, usa, weird, what, wtf

2009-02-20 18:22:42


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