Comisia Europeană prognozează o recesiune în UE în 2009, creşterea şomajului şi scăderea inflaţiei
Comisia Europeană a prezentat, ieri, prognozele economice referitoare la anii 2009-2010. În raport se spune că recesiunea înregistrată în UE în ultimele trei luni ale anului trecut, cu 0,2%, va continua şi în 2009. Economia europeană ar putea să-şi revină abia spre sfârşitul lui 2009. Din cauza recesiunii economice, se aşteaptă ca locurile de muncă să scadă cu 3,5 milioane unităţi, atingând cifra de 8,75% în UE şi 9,25% în Zona Euro. Şomajul va creşte şi pe parcursul lui 2010. Cum va afecta aceasta muncitorii moldoveni din UE?O noutate pozitivă e reducerea inflaţiei. Astfel, se presupune ca rata de inflaţie în 2009 să constituie în UE 1,2%, comparativ cu 3,7% în 2008, iar în 2010, de circa 2%.
Mai jos prezint rezumatul raportului Comisiei Europene în limba engleză.
On the 20th of January the European Commission presented its interim forecasts for 2009-2010 anticipating that slowdown sharpens but growth will come back before the end of 2009.
Global economy in recession this year
For 2009 as a whole, world GDP growth is projected to slow down to 0.5% (from 3.3% in 2008 and the exceptionally strong 5% average in 2004-2007). Starting in the second half of 2009, global growth is expected to rise gradually but moderately as the financial market situation improves. Overall, global GDP growth is expected to be around 2.75% in 2010.
EU economy also hit hard
In the third quarter of 2008 GDP fell by 0.2% in both the euro area and the EU. This implies that the euro area entered its first technical recession as GDP contracted for the second consecutive quarter. Following the further slump in survey data across sectors and countries and the marked deterioration in other leading indicators during the fourth quarter, the outlook is for a continued fall in GDP throughout the first half of this year.
Unemployment and deficits on the rise
The labour market situation started to worsen in most Member States in 2008. Reacting with a certain lag to changes in GDP growth, employment growth is expected to turn negative this year, with EU employment falling by 3.5 million jobs. As a result, the unemployment rate is expected to increase to 8.75% in the EU in 2009 (and 9.25% in the euro area), with a further increase in 2010.
Inflation set to fall rapidly
Inflationary pressures are abating rapidly. The fierce upsurge in commodity prices that drove inflation to a peak in the summer of 2008 has since been abruptly reversed, amid a rapid weakening in growth prospects for the EU and the global economy as well as deteriorating labour markets. These elements set the stage for a significant downward revision to the inflation outlook compared to the autumn projection. Consumer-price inflation is now expected to fall from 3.7% in 2008 in the EU (3.3% in the euro area) to 1.2% in 2009 (1.0% in the euro area) and just below 2% in 2010 in both regions.
Substantial uncertainties at the current juncture
This forecast is again surrounded by exceptional uncertainty as the world economy faces its worst crisis since World War II. Risks to the growth outlook are balanced. To the downside, we need to consider the impact of the financial crisis (including on the housing sector) and the severity of the negative feedback loop between the financial and real sectors of the economy. On the other hand, growth could be stronger than expected if inter alia the fiscal packages restore confidence among investors and consumers more swiftly than assumed. Risks to the inflation outlook also appear balanced, following developments in commodity prices and the deterioration of economic prospects globally.
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2009-01-21 21:58:45