Talking nails + photos of readers

Hello, pretty birds! I hope you all had a lovely weekend, and are ready for the start of a new productive week. I just got back to London from a weekend adventure in Germany, with Guess (check out my Instagram for more). While going through the hundreds of photos we took, and recovering my energy for a busy week ahead, I made myself keep the promise I gave you a couple of weeks ago on Instagram… to talk about my nails!

It’s been 1 week 1 day and 15h since the screen of my new MacBook died, therefore my whole schedule has gone BHUUUUM, and with two consecutive trips, my blogging capacity was brought down to 0. But now I’m BACK in London, not to my routine though, as my MacBook is only to be checked by people at the Apple store today (yes, you don’t want to be in London when your Apple product decides to die. The waiting list is huge!). Hopefully it gets fixed fast!

Now back to the topic. In my today’s post I wanted to share with you my nail experience, gel nail experience to be more specific.

I got my nails covered in gel about a year and 3 months ago, right before my trip to Japan. All my classmates were doing it, and recommending it, but I never really wanted to get the extra UV exposure just for the comfort. However, realizing I’d be away for quite a while, and knowing how catastrophically unappealing my nails look in their natural condition (dad’s genes alas, my mom has the most ridiculously perfect nails!!), I decided I should try that magical gel thing and have pretty looking hands for some time.

I guess you understand how pleased I was with the result, if I still do it. Now, for many of you who may be confused, these are two things you need to know:

- this is not sheer nail polish! A lot of people confuse gel with the popular sheer nail polish, which some

-and no, this does not elongate your nails, it just covers the length you already have, and keeps your manicure fresh for at least a month/a month and a half.

I also know that different people do it differently, and many of my European friends who I’ve talked to aren’t that pleased with the result, because usually they get one lay of transparent gel, and one layer of the sheer nail polish. Been there. Done that. Didn’t last even for 2 weeks. However, the way my magical manicurist back at home does it, is like this: 1 layer of ultra-thin transparent gel, followed by one layer of ultra-thin coloured gel, and finished with another ultra-thin transparent gel layer. I know, I know, sounds like it would be 1cm of gel doesn’t it? But no, it actually turns out to be so millimetrical, that once your nail starts growing, you can’t feel the difference between the layers at all.

Gel nails are perfect if you have a busy lifestyle, always travelling, like myself. They are glossy, always in perfect condition, and extremely polished. However, one problem I am struggling with is actually the post 1,5 month/2 months period. As your nail grows longer, the gel is being “pushed out together” with it, and then you end up with half natural nails, half gel. Also you can’t just cut them, otherwise you risk cracking the gel together with your nail underneath; while filing takes forever. I’ve been fortunate enough to fly home every month since I’ve moved to London, therefore not feeling the problem. But now my nails look quite… Lana Del Ray, Riri style in a weird way.

Well, I think that’s kind of everything I wanted to share with you about my nails experience. A multi-paragraphs post dedicate to nails. Who would have thought…

Hope this was useful! I’ll be waiting for you to share your experience x

doina ciobanu gel nails  doina ciobanu gel nails-2

OH BUT WAIT! Here, as promised, the selection of my most favourite manicure styles from my readers. There were so many girls who submitted their photo, an d I spent about an hour trying to select; you all have super cute nails! However, these photos caught my attention, so make sure to follow these lovely ladies for some nail inspiration in the future! x

readers nails



The post Talking nails + photos of readers appeared first on The Golden Diamonds.

2014-07-22 06:30:50


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