Navigon MobileNavigator v3.6.0 Europe Full

Navigon MN 3.6.0 Europe Full
Requirements: Android (320×240/320×480/480×320/480×800/800×480/480×854/854×480)
Overview: Turn your Android phone into a mobile navigation device with lots of useful functions that will delight you! The pocket navigation device will show you the right way with functions such as Reality View Pro and Lane Assistant Pro. And functions such as automatic switching between day and night mode, direct access and navigation to contacts in the phone book and intelligent address entry will make your navigation even easier. However, your safety is also taken into account: with the Speed Assistant and Real Road Sign functions, you will always have your wits about you. Thanks to POI, many points of interest en route are also already integrated into the maps and can be navigated to directly. The new navigator on your mobile ? ideal for those who are always on the move.

More Info:


Download Instructions:
Required Files:

Navigon US version 3.6.0 Full:…-Militia-.apk/

  1. Download and unpack required files with winrar
  2. Uninstall everything on your phone that says “Navigon”
  3. Install navigon 2.6.1
  4. run it, until it asks for maps, quit navigon
  5. Mount your SD card to your PC and install navigon
  6. Creat a new account in Navigon(IMPORTANT!)
  7. Download any map(small is better, speeds up the process)
  8. After downloading and installing, remove the SD card savely and go back to your phone
  9. Run navigon 2.6.1 and go to the menu, then exit
  10. mount he SD card again and find the folder called, “navigon” delete everthing in this folder EXCEPT the version(.xml) file
  11. open this file, version(.xml), with notepad and edit it. Make it from this: Quote: < ?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>




    A7 Navigon AG, Copyright (C) 2010


    to this:

    Quote: < ?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>




    AS Navigon AG, Copyright (C) 2010


  12. Save the file and close notepad
  13. Go back to the phone and insert the SD card, now install version 3.5.0 NOTE: DON’T RUN IT AFTER THE INSTALLATION!
  14. Now exit everthing on your phone and mount the SD card again on your PC. Now make a new account in navigon fresh(IMPORTANT!) and download the maps and stuff what you want.
  15. Unmount your SD card from your PC, insert it back in to phone, run navigon 3.5.0. now we are almost done.
  16. Uninstall version 2.6.1 Go market update to 3.6.0 if you unable to find update MAKE A BACKUP FIRST! Mount your phone
    trough a USB cable go the /Navigon/ delete
    all execpt updates.xml and version.xml now
    run Navigon fresh, let it update (choice the
    countries you want) and let it finish, safely
    remove the phone, start navigon select and
    your are on 3.6.0!

2011-06-05 02:15:20


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