Nicole Krauss

M-am tăvălit impudic cu Istoria iubirii, la vremea ei, și tare ar merita din parte-mi o relectură și-o cronică. În acest sfârșit de săptămână, însă, odată cu newsletter-ul de la NYT - Sunday Book Review, am descoperit-o pe Nicole Krauss și în deplinătatea universităților sale fizice, deloc de neglijat! Ceea ce m-a, realmente, fascinat, trebuie să mărturisesc, a fost ilustrația copertei I a ediției germane - Die Geschichte der Liebe, de departe mult mai grăitoare, mai potrivită cu tonalitățile conținutului, cu efecte meduzice asupră-mi, decât găselnița (nici aceasta de lepădat a) d-nei D. Comănescu, dacă dumneaei i-o fi aparținând... A, și o nouă carte a lui N.K. - 'Great House', despre care scrie, elogios, Rebecca Newberger Goldstein:
(c) NYTWhat gives the quickening of life to this elegiac novel and takes the place of the unlikely laughter of “The History of Love”? The feat is achieved through exquisitely chosen sensory details that reverberate with emotional intensity. So, for example, here is George Weisz describing how, when his clients speak of their lives before the war, “between their words I see the way the light fell across the wooden floor. . . . I see his mother’s legs move about the kitchen, and the crumbs the housekeeper’s broom missed.” Those crumbs are an artist’s true touch. They demonstrate how Krauss is able, despite the formidable remove of the central characters and the mournfulness of their telling, to ground “Great House” in the shock of immediacy. 
Krauss has taken great risks in dispensing with the whimsy and humor that she summoned for her tragic vision in “The History of Love.” Here she gives us her tragic vision pure. It is a high-wire performance, only the wire has been replaced by an exposed nerve, and you hold your breath, and she does not fall.

2010-10-18 13:30:57


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