Masinile japoneze de-a lungul anilor

Toyota Proto, 1957

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Toyota Proto, 1957

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Toyota Publica Sports, 1962

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Nissan Prince Sprint 1900 Prototype, 1963

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Toyota Concept, 1966

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Mazda RX 87 (Bertone), 1967

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Isuzu Bellett MX1600 (Ghia), 1969

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Toyota EX-1, 1969

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Toyota EX-II, 1969

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Toyota EX-III, 1969

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Mazda RX-500, 1970

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Isuzu MX1600-II

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Nissan 126X, 1970

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Nissan 270X, 1970

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Nissan 216X, 1971

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Nissan Skyline Concept, 1972

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Toyota EX-7, 1972

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Toyota RV-2, 1972

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Toyota F101, 1973

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Nissan AD-1 Concept, 1975

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Nissan NX-21, 1983

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Nissan CUE-X, 1985

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Daihatsu TA-X80, 1987

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Mitsubishi HSR II, 1989

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Nissan Boga, 1989

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Nissan Figaro Concept, 1989

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Nissan FEV, 1991

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Mazda London Taxi, 1993

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Mitsubishi ESR, 1993

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Suzuki EE-10, 1993

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Nissan AP-X, 1994

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Toyota Moguls, 1995 // Nissan Hypermini, 1997

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Nissan TrailRunner, 1997

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Nissan KYXX, 1998

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Honda Fuya-Jo, 1999

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Mazda Miata Mono-Posto, 1999

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Isuzu Zen, 2001

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Toyota POD, 2001

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Isuzu FL-4, 2002

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Honda IMAS, 2003

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Honda KIWAMI, 2003

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Honda Pro Drag Civic Si, 2003

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Nissan Jikoo, 2003

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Toyota FINE-S, 2003

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Toyota MTRC, 2004

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Infiniti Kuraza, 2005

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Mazda Senku, 2005

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Mitsuoka Orochi, 2005

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Nissan Zaroot, 2005

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Acura Advanced Sedan, 2006

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Mazda Nagare, 2006

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Nissan Terranaut, 2006

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Acura Advanced Sports Car, 2007

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Mazda Taiki, 2007

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Nissan Mixim, 2007

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Nissan Bevel, 2007

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Nissan Pivo-2, 2007

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Honda FC Sport Concept, 2008

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Mazda Kiyora, 2008

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Honda P-NUT, 2009

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Infiniti Essence, 2009

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

Nissan Land Glider, 2009

Japanese Concept Cars of the Last 50 Years (66 pics)

2010-10-03 11:11:47


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