Central and Eastern European Online Library - newly added and open access periodicals

Dear C.E.E.O.L. reader,

I would like to thank you again for your interest in the Central and Eastern European Online Library, the most comprehensive collection of articles from and about Central and Eastern Europe.

2008 was a successful year for us, C.E.E.O.L. is proud to have added 50 new publications, especially on politics, culture and society, sociology, and history. Please find the list of newly added periodicals below.

We would also like to draw your attention to the open access periodicals that we have in C.E.E.O.L. You can find the list of the periodicals that offer FREE ARTICLES here: http://www.ceeol.com/freeperiodicals/

The library now offers 360 full text humanities and social science periodicals from Central and Eastern Europe, accessible via www.ceeol.com, and we hope that you will find something that is of interest for you. We are happy to further welcome you on our website.

Warmest regards,

Cosmina BERTA

Central and Eastern European Online Library (C.E.E.O.L.)

Offenbacher Landstr. 368

D-60599 Frankfurt, Germany
Tel: +49 69 686 025 14
Fax: +49 69 650 096 82

New Additions to C.E.E.O.L. in 2008:


· Ekonomskij Razvoj (Economic Development), published by Institute of Economics - “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje - Makedonia

· Journal of Applied economics (JAES), published by Reprograph - Romania

· Studia Universitatis Babes Bolyai - Negotia, published by Babes Bolyai University, Cluj - Romania

· Management and marketing review, published by Editura economica – Romania

· AUCO Czech Economic Review, published by the Institute of Economic Studies, Charles University - Czech Republic


· Gjurmime Albanologjike (Series Folclore and Ethnology), published by Institute of Albanology in Prishtina - Kosovo

· Folklore, published by Eesti Kirjandusmuuseum - Estonia

· Mäetagused. Hüperajakiri (Folklore. Hyperjournal), published by Estonian Literary Museum - Estonia

Fine Arts

· VIZURA, published by The City Gallery „Collegium Artisticum“ Sarajevo - Bosnia and Herzegovina


· Ekonomska i ekohistorija (Scientific Research Journal for Economic and Environmental History), published by Društvo za hrvatsku ekonomsku povijest i ekohistoriju - Croatia

· Gjurmime Albanologjike (Series Historical Science), published by Institute of Albanology in Prishtina - Kosovo

· Istros, published by Editura Istros- Braila - Romania

· Historia Artium, published by UBB Cluj – Romania

· Valahian Journal, published by the Editura Cetatea de Scaun - Romania

Media/Culture and Society

· Medialni studia (Media Studies), published by Syndicate of Journalists CZ - Czech Republic

· Biuletyn Edukacji Medialnej (Media Education Bulletin), published by Norbertinum – Poland

· Novi Muallim, published by Rijaset Islamske zajednice u Bosni i Hercegovini - Bosnia and Herzegovina

· Motrista (Perspectives), published by Matica hrvatska Mostar - Bosnia and Herzegovina

· ZIVOT (Life), published by Writers asosciation - Bosnia and Herzegovina

· Divinatio, published by Maison des Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société (Sofia) – Bulgaria

· Nowa Europa Wschodnia (New Eastern Europe), published by the KEW - College of Eastern Europe - Poland

· Studii de stiinta si cultura (Culture and science studies), published by the Universitatea Vasile Goldis Arad – Romania

· Anuarul Institutului de Cercetări Socio-Umane "Gheorghe Şincai" al Academiei Române (The Yearbook of the "Gheorghe Şincai" Institute for Social Sciences and the Humanities of the Romanian Academy), published by the The "Gheorghe Şincai" Institute for Social Sciences and the Humanities of the Romanian Academy - Romania

Philology - Linguistics

· brücken - Germanistisches Jahrbuch TSCHECHIEN SLOWAKEI (brücken - German Laguage and Literature Studies Yearbook - Czech Republic and Slovakia), published by Nakladatelství Lidové noviny - Czech Republic

· Gjurmime Albanologjike (Series Philology), published by Institute of Albanology in Prishtina - Kosovo

· Nase rec (Our Speech), published by the Czech Language Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic - Czech Republic

· Studia Universitatis Petru Maior Tg Mures. Series Philologia, published by Petru Maior University, Tg. Mures - Romania

· FACTA UNIVERSITATIS - Linguistics and Literature, published by University of Niš – Serbia

· Linguistica Pragensia, published by Czech Language Institute /Academy - Czech Republic


· Athena: filosofijos studijos (Athena: Philosophical Studies), published by Culture, Philosophy and Arts Research Institute - Lithuania

· Teologia Polityczna (Political Theology), published by Fundacja Świętego Mikołaja - Poland

· Studia Universitatis Babes Bolyai - Philosophia, published by Babes Bolyai University, Cluj - Romania

· Studia Phaenomenologica, published by Societatea Romana de Fenomenologie - Romania

Political science

· Palitychnaya sfera (Political sphere), published by Center of Political Analysis - Belarus

· Godišnjak Fakulteta političkih nauka (Yearbook of the Faculty of Political Sciences), published by Fakultet političkih nauka - Univerzitet u Sarajevu - Bosnia and Herzegovina

· Evrodijalog (Eurodialogue), published by Centre for Regional Policy Research and Cooperation Studiorum - Macedonia

· Stosunki Międzynarodowe/International Relations (International Relations), published by Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego - Poland

· Obrana a strategie (Defence & Strategy), published by Univerzita obrany - Czech Republic

· FACTA UNIVERSITATIS - Law and Politics, published by University of Niš – Serbia

· Anali hrvatskog politološkog društva (Annals of the Croatian Political Science Association), published by the Croatian Political Science Association - Croatia

Slavic Studies

· Летопис на Българското книжовно дружество в София (Annals of the Bulgarian Literary Society in Sofia), published by Bulgarian Literary Society - Bulgaria

· Старобългарска литература (Medieval Bulgarian literature), published by Institute of Literature - BAS - Bulgaria

· Germanoslavica, published by Slovanský ústav Akademie věd ČR, v. v. i. v nakladatelství Euroslavica - Czech Republic

· Slavia, published by the Slovanský ústav Akademie věd ČR, v. v. i. v nakladatelství Euroslavica - Czech Republic

Sociology/Social Sciences

· Romanian Journal of Population Studies, published by Centrul de Studiere a Populatiei - Romania

· FACTA UNIVERSITATIS - Series Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology and History, published by University of Niš - Serbia

· Teme (Themes), published by University of Niš – Serbia

· Revista de sociologie (The sociology review), published by the Univ. Lucian Blaga - Romania

· Sociologie romaneasca (Romanian sociology), published by the Polirom & Asociatia Romana de Sociologie - Romania

Theology – Religion

· Studia Universitatis Babes Bolyai series Theologia catholica, published by Universitatea Babes Bolyai Cluj - Romania

2009-02-06 20:24:56


Ultimele 25 posturi adăugate

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