Grigore Vieru - “One of the major…”
Grigore Vieru - “One of the major writers in contemporary Romanian literature”
It’s too bad that all I could do in relation to this great man was reading few of his books while I was a kid and taking some photos at his funeral.
“His poetry is characterized by vivid natural scenery, patriotism, as well as a venerated image of the sacred mother”
When the news about his death was announced, the country fell into a deep sorrow and compasion. Everyone know him, big and small, young and old. Hid poems were full of love, all kind of love, and for everyone…love for mother, country, home, traditions, roots, place you were born…
I was amazed by the number of people gathered at his funeral…The above image doesn’t show all the persons present at this ceremony…
Artists, popular persons, friends, authorities…everyone came…
Flowers and people…

2009-01-25 15:35:36