In atenţia celor de la "The Economist"
"MOLDOVA is not only the poorest ex-communist country in Europe; it is also last in the queue for love and attention. It lacks central Europe’s glorious culture, the pungent romance of the Balkans, the charm and excitement of the Baltics, or the huge strategic importance of Central Asia and the Caucasus. Its main role is that of a country so obscure that it can safely be ridiculed, as it was in a book about a hapless British comedian’s attempt to play tennis with the national football team."În opinia celor de la Economist Moldova nu are nici o şansă de aliniere la statele ce au depăşit cu brio obstacolele comuniste.
Asta pentru că în ţară se promovează cu înverşunare şi încăpăţanre ridicole o politică de modă veche.
2007-05-15 15:48:35