I’m scared you say you love me…

Yes, this is truly that I’m scared. And here appears the question: WHY?


I have told you that it is not seeing…When you have soul, it is felt.


You say you love rain, but you take the umbrella every time you go for a wolk.

You say you love sun, but you are scared hiding in your own shade. You seek shelter every time it’s shining.

You say you love winds, but  every time they come you close the window. Your soul is sitting under a bed and you close the door of your soul.

You say you love succes, but your ego is as huge as a  whale in a swimming pool, and you hide your real  small, pink and soft soul under a mask.

You say you love sunrises, but you hate them when they disturb your dreams.

You say you love light because it brings happiness and chase away tears, but you turn it off every time when it shows the truth.

So, this is why I said that I’m scared, because I am afraid that this love would be a selfish wish and after my soul would blossom because of your love, then you would run away from me and my hear will hit the rock of human selfishness.What it’s mine doesn’t shine animore.

People are like clothes , they want to be admired, bun not used. Why we appreciate only new clothes?  These which sit at the glass cases and make an illusion of a fairystory life. Every person knows that his second half is the most beautiful and kind beeing on the earth.  She sustained him, took care of him,  but in the end he noticed that she is not at the glass case any more and forgot all happy and unhappy moments they passed  through. Why do you want to exchange the most comfortable coat for the new one, which is shining but it pricks you? It is better to have a raven in your hands, then a swallow on the branch.1452079_244298569061575_608472214_n

During the night we speak the most sincerely with ourselves….

P.S.  Now I’m going to play  with the Moon, and I search the lights for hiding-I look for theirs petals, but where the day have left its footprints? Under sleeping lanterns which forgot to call to their brothers-fireflies. I’m wainting for light because my shadow wants to eat me up and I want to lose the fear of it.

Filed under: English in my life Tagged: answer, I'm scared, love, why

2014-10-23 22:38:15


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