
Finally I decided to visit Tallinn.
Tallinn is the capital city of Estonia, which is happily located between Poland and Greenland, just considerably left from China and slightly above the middle of earth. Moscow has nothing to do with Estonia.

As the title of this post suggests, each letter is duplicated in this beautiful Baltic city. I do not have an assistant to duplicate each letter in description of each beautiful sight which Tallinn has, however at least I can provide a photo gallery with no photo duplications :-D .

Tallinn as a ferry terminal looked busier than Stockholm FDI in Estonia (FDI in this case does not stand for "Foreign Direct Investments" however most probably for "Finish drunk immigrants" ) Alexander Nevsky Cathedral viewed from the tower Kiek in de Kök Traditional view over Old Town from Toompea hill Orlando Bloom just applied for a visa to Sweden I made a photo with the Russian embassy, so that the Russian friendz do not feel discriminated Tallin Toompea hill Estonian version of Anger Management Typical Estonian outfit Another typical Estonian outfit Working class in Tallinn Typical ATM in Tallinn A pigeon and myself Local lady, no local guy 3D photography Looks like an Italian town ...Spanish Cars in Estonia can have only one of colours present on the flag - in this case "blue" Cars in Estonia can have only one of colours present on the flag - in this case let's pretend we see a white Lambo Cars in Estonia can have only one of colours present on the flag - in this case "black" Ford Mustang

More photos are located as usually HERE.

2014-09-21 22:08:24


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