What about a Detox?

Many of you have been asking me about my diet, workout, and so on and so forth. Truth be told, I am not the best example of a 100% healthy lifestyle; every few weeks you’ll see me eating a pizza (and I actually mean one whole pizza), chocolate, bread, croissants and milk shakes. To my deepest regret, my biggest weakness is sugar, and not too far, fresh pastries. I’ve always envied those people, like my aunt, who are simply not tempted by sweets or anything fresh bread. God, when I go to Paris my whole body has a lack of nutrition shock. As I always say, that is the only city where I eat SALAD (i know, one of the healthiest meals) with bread. But how can you resist the soft baguette? Well, maybe you can, but I can’t.

However, even though I go crazy eating sometimes, especially when travelling, I know when to stop and I always balance those short “junk food” periods with a long healthy recovery afterwards. This time, Dietox came to my help. I only just did a therapy yesterday, and since so many of you kept asking me about it, I decided to write a post the next day.

As much as I love making smoothies, experimenting with different flavours and superfoods, there is simply no time for me to spend in the kitchen. With fashion weeks around the corner, and constant meetings in London, I can only dream of properly trying my new kitchen.

Also sometimes it’s quite tricky to find all the ingredients for a serious vitamin boost. Think of Acai, Maca, Pea protein, Xanthan gum, Brown rice protein, Guarana, Chia seeds, and all the dozens of fruits. I am not saying it’s impossible to find them, not at all! I mean, if you can’t find something in London, you can’t probably find it anywhere in the world haha. Nevertheless, buying all that is a pain, and very often you end up ordering half of it online, and then keep missing the deliveries as they all come from different retailers on different days; and the other half carrying from the grocery stores and markets. So again, a lot of time goes on just the preparations.

Dietox on the other hand offers a series of cleansing therapies: 1, 2 and 3 days. The smoothie sets can be used both for fasting, which is what I did for 1 day (though I’ve never really considered getting a huge amount of vitamins and energy in liquid form as being fasting); or semi-fasting. Once you get your smoothie pack a proper guide explaining every aspect of this experience comes together with it.

Today I feel absolutely wonderful! For the first time in a while, my stomach is super flat as the detox really good rid of the bloating I’ve been having. It might sound strange, as you’d think a day can’t really change anything, but once you do a proper detox, that includes all the right nutrients, you realize that one day can make a big difference in how you feel.


Hope this was helpful!

D x

The post What about a Detox? appeared first on The Golden Diamonds.

2014-08-29 09:43:13


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