Trade union representatives discussed main problems affecting the social and economic situation

On Tuesday, April 15, the leaders of National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (NTUCM) and presidents of national branch trade centers held a meeting with the Prime minister of the Republic of Moldova Iurie Leancă, within which the main social and economic problems were overviewed.

Oleg Budza, the President of NTUCM, set before the Prime minister and ministries’ representatives multiple requirements of trade unions referring to a series of social and legal aspects on security and health protection in labour.

”We consider it necessary to review the minimal salary standard from 600 lei up to the minimal living wage. Currently minimal salary covers only 35% of minimal living costs for able-bodied persons. At the same time, it is necessary to reconsider the minimum of guaranteed wage quantum in real sector based on indices of 2010 and 2013”, trade union leader communicated.

Budza highlighted the significance of implementing an obligatory medical insurance quote personalization, calculated in percentage of employees’ remuneration amount.

”We insist that the lump-sum childbirth benefit should be raised further on in such a way that by 2015 it would have constituted 5000 lei. We also plead for working out a procedure of granting long-term credits with interest rate under 5%, so that young people could procure lodgings and we could offer them more opportunities to make them remain in the country”, the President of NTUCM added.

Budza also specified that for the next week he had planned a number of appointments with representatives of various ministries for discussing the impact of signing the Free Trade Agreement with European Union upon employees and social and economic situation countrywide.

Prime minister Iurie Leancă appreciated the collaboration between the Government and trade unions, and emphasized the important role of social partnership in handling social and economic problems the citizens of the country  confront with.

”NTUCM is a partner we hold an active dialoque with, and we both have the same goals of improvement the living standards for population. Nevertheless we have to correlate requirements of labour force represented by trade unions with the real possibilities. It is important to keep further constructive dialoque in order to define suitable solutions”, Leancă underlined.

Those present also talked over the necessity of developing a new Action Plan on the government level for undeclared employment and wages counteraction and prevention, the significance of solving a great many of problems regarding security and health protection in labour, participation of employees’ representatives with the right of advisory vote in public property privatization, organization of treatment courses for employees and other activities on disease risk prevention.

Trade unions Information Center

2014-04-17 07:36:00


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