"love letters"
позитив дня: чудный мультик о творческих и душевных терзаниях при написании признаний в любви ;)english inside, но говорится чётко и внятно, так что никаких проблем с восприятием на слух :-P
05:09, 11.9Mb
зы: автор мувика - всё-таки неисправимый романтик:
«I produced this animation as a way of proposing to my girlfriend (now wife) Natasha. I assembled a team of 20 animators to assist me, including co-workers, as well as students from my 3D character animation class at the Art Institute of California-San Francisco. We created more than four minutes of animation in just three months. When it was completed, I surprised Natasha by bringing her to the Parkway Movie Theater in Oakland, where they played the animation on the big screen in front of over 100 of our friends and family. The entire event was filmed for the TLC television show "A Perfect Proposal."»
2007-10-04 12:47:48