Russian Is Not ALWAYS Impossible
I have repeatedly cursed the difficulty of learning Russian. Today, however, I sing it praises for stealing words from English and thereby making my life much easier. The infinitive form of the following words are pronounced as they are listed below with a “ovat” or “erovat” tacked onto the end to make them “clean” Russian verbs. Incorporate a few of these verbs into your daily vocabulary and you will be speaking fluent Russian in no time! Don’t forget your strong Russian accenta!!!! There are also countless English words, chips, computer, printer, telephone, lunchmeat, etc. that have become incorporated into Russian vernacular, but here I will stick to verbs.
My 17 Favorite Russian Verbs Stolen from English
17. to nationalize
16. to integrate
15. to recommend
14. to laminate
13. to start
12. to finish
11. to annul
10. to applaud
9. to criticize
8. to ignore
7. to park
6. to analyze
5. to evaluate
4. to adapt
3. to train
2. to practice
1. to copy
For those of you who are completely fascinated by this process (I don’t anticipate that there will be many of you), here is an example of how to conjugate Russian verbs:
English: to ignore Russian:
I ignore We
ignore Ya ignorearovau Mwe ignorearevau
You ignore XXXXX Tee ignorearovaeash Vwe ignorearevyeate
He/She/It They
ignore On/Ona/Ono One ignorearovaut
ignores ignorearovaeat
Russian is just so much fun, isn’t it? See you on the flipside kids!
2007-10-02 06:54:11