Jocul Etern, un film de Paula Durinova / Eternal Play, a film by Paula Durinova
In filmul documentar JOCUL ETERN sint prezentate doua spatii cu o pondere diferita: Memorialul “Eternitatea”, un spatiu exagerat de mare si monumental, care insa este umplut o singura data pe an cu ocazia zilei de 9 mai, si scuarul jucatorilor de sah de pe str. Mateevici, care este activ constant.
In contrast cu Memorialul, care a fost inaugurat in 1975 de catre autoritatile sovieticie si purta numele “Biruinta”, pentru a oferi tribut celor cazuti in “marele razboi pentru apararea patriei”, fapt care da curs diverselor intepretari si ii ofera un rol de “tribuna” de pe care sa se poata manifesta politicul, in contextul in care actualul teritoriu al Republicii Moldova este si o consecinta a multiplelor anexari si experimente geo-politice, scuarul jucatorilor de sah nu este altceva decit un segment din strada transformat intr-un club de sah in aer liber la initiativa unui grup de cetateni. In urma privatizarilor obscure din anii ’90 si formarii capitalului, vechiul club de sah care se afla la intrarea in parcul Valea Morilor (denumirea veche Lacul Comsomolistilor) a fost demolat iar in locul acestuia a aparut un local de elita privat. Necatind la faptul ca scuarul jucatorilor de sah duce lipsa de amenajare, acesta este un loc care atrage jucatori chiar si in prioada rece a anului.
In acest film Paula explica caracterul celor doua spatii prin vocile oamenilor aflati intr-un raport cu ele, iar discursul din film articuleaza notiunea de conflict si lupta, si multiplele situatii in care acestea pot sa existe.
Ambele situatii, odata suprapuse, demonstreaza masura in care politicul priveaza cetatenii acestui stat de spatii publice bine amenajate, care sa raspunda necesitatilor curente ale diverselor comunitati.
In ETERNAL PLAY documentary film there are two different spaces presented: “Eternity” Memorial, a huge and monumental space that is filled one single time a year, during the 9th of May celebrations, and the chess players’ square situated on Mateevici str. that is constantly full and active.
The Memorial was inaugurated in 1975 by Soviet authorities. At that time it was bearing the name of “Victory” Memorial as a tribute to those who died for the “Great war for the homeland defense”, which fact gives birth to various interpretations and transforms this place into a “tribune” for political manifestations, in the context in which the actual territory of Republic of Moldova was a subject to consequent annexations and geo-political experiments. In contrast to it, the chess players’ square is nothing more than a segment of a street transformed into an open-air chess club by a group of citizens. As a follow up of the obscure privatization processes from 90s and formation of the capital, the old chess club that was situated at the entrance of Valea Morilor Lake (old name Comsomolist Lake) was demolished and a luxury private space was built instead of it. Despite the fact that the chess players’ square is lacking any infrastructure this place attracts players even throughout the cold period of the year.
In her film Paula explains the character of those two spaces through the voice of the people who feel related to them. In the same time the film articulates the notions of conflict and struggle and places them in various contexts.
Both situations, once compared, explain better to which extend the politics is able to deprive the local community of public spaces that would respond to citizens’ current needs.
2012-08-03 16:25:33