Disqus Comment Platform

An important part of every blogging experience is engaging with your readers and what better way for you to do that if not commenting on each others posts. For years now, blogger.com has been the platform I used to deliver my thoughts to the wide public, but unfortunately for blogger, their commenting platform made it a bit difficult for me as for posting a comment I had to go through a few unnecessary steps and sometimes I had to give up on posting some feedback to some articles. Blogger has many deficiencies but having the possibility to change or even upload a brand new template and make unlimited changes makes up for those deficiencies. We all look for tools, gadgets and other catchy things to make our blogging experience more entertaining and for those who still don't know it I would like to introduce you to Disqus Comment Platform, a great way to share your thoughts on what you have read, give someone some feedback or simply engage in interesting discussions.A lot more information on how to integrate this amazing commenting platform plus a back-to-back comparison between Blogger commenting platform and Disqus you can find on one of the most amazing blogs filled with tutorials and lots of changes that you can make to your blog, Mayura4Ever.

Nothing is easier than posting a comment on blogs using Disqus, as you can log in using your facebook account, twitter, google+ or simply entering your name and an email (to receive follow-up).

Once integrated I can promise you if your content is entertaining enough comments will start flowing.

Below you have an example of engagements between users. Have a good day.

2012-07-22 19:47:00


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