Find yourself
Do you ever deny who you are and where you’re coming from? Why hiding the truth and lying about who our family is and what we do for life? I am blessed to have the parents I have and the life they’ve given me and no one can never say or think something behind the wall. My mother always taught me to never judge and never say things about a person before getting to know his/her circle, life, the circumstances and way of thinking. Why the hell do people care so much to know everything and comment about the unknown things? Just live the life and make every day worth for yourself and not for anybody else. Work hard, laugh, smile, take time to meditate, read books and travel. Live your life!
This is the outfit I wore yesterday. I had a crazy shooting with some gorgeous dresses that I will be able to show you on friday. Stay tuned.
Deci, ieri am avut o sesiune foto interesantă cu participarea rochiilor de la Di Vero si a salonului Feminim Dom. Vineri vom vedea rezultatul muncii multor oameni. Stay tuned.

Feminim Dom

Feminim Dom
Motivi Jeans
Mango T shirt
Valentino flops
Celine bag
H&M earrings
Versace watch
Asos spike bracelet
The color accessories bracelet
2012-07-05 09:55:54