Sleek, elegant and responsive. Say Hello to Education Academy!

Last week a teaser was published where you could suggest features for this theme. Some of those were included and made the theme truly shine. Thank you for your input! Education is a unique portfolio theme suitable for faculties, universities, colleges and even high schools. As you can see on the images below it features simple yet refreshing design with completely widgetized homepage and even some advanced functionalities like custom fields management. With it’s layout and color options Education Academy is fairly unique in our portfolio. Continue reading and see what else this theme has to offer…

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Responsive design will ensure that anyone, no matter the device he/she is using will be able to adequately read content on your site. Another thing that’s great about this theme is that it’s coming loaded with different layout options. 1 column, 2 column and even 3 column layouts are available to you. To make the deal even sweeter Education Academy allows you to set a different layout for every page.

To make content easy to organize and keep track of Education theme comes with multiple post types. Along with your standard WordPress posts you’ll be able to create and manage staff members, courses, facilities and galleries. It goes without saying that each of these can be easily added to one of multiple navigation bars inside the header area. Most Templatic themes feature widgetized homepages and Education is no different. Every widget area has a couple of appropriate custom widgets that make the homepage truly come to life.

In order to help you create and display information across these various post types advanced custom fields functionality was included. This feature will enable you to create various fields for any of the custom post types available in the theme. The existing fields are also listed in this section allowing you to modify, disable or even completely remove them.

In an attempt to make the theme easier to understand and dummy data more useful, some of the content was populated with useful information instead of lorem ipsum you normally see. Dummy data is very useful when it comes to understanding how the theme works. With Education Academy it’s more useful than ever!

What are your thoughts on Education Academy?

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Tweet about the theme by clicking on the “Tweet” button or Like/Share the theme on Facebook in the next 2 weeks and be among 2 winners who will get a copy of this theme absolutely FREE! You must follow/like Templatic in order to claim the prize.


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2012-07-03 15:31:41


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