Templatic Tips of the Day – June 2012

Just like last month, here are all the tips published on Facebook and Twitter during June

June 1
Chances are you already have one social plugin installed but in case you don’t, make sure to check out this article -> http://bit.ly/KnASxU
June 2
Is your site running kinda slow? Try installing WP Super Cache, all Templatic themes are compatible with it! http://goo.gl/sPmHS
June 3
Want more subscribers but don’t feel like using the Feedburner widget included in most our themes? Try these plugins -> http://goo.gl/3fIIw
June 4
Missed a few of our tips during May? Don’t worry (be happy) and open this blog post -> http://templatic.com/news/templatic-tips-of-the-day-may-2012/
June 5
Drag n’ drop sorting plugin that also works with custom post types. How did we live without this? http://goo.gl/w6XtX
June 6
Here’s a couple of plugins to keep your visitors engaged and bounce rate as low as possible -> http://goo.gl/05Y91
June 8
Want to be sneaky with your links? Anonymize Links plugins allows you to do just that -> http://goo.gl/TLbGf
June 9
Need some help with updating your theme? Read our tutorial about this -> http://bit.ly/Mu6twZ
June 10
Using an older Templatic theme? Check out this tutorial to learn how you can include shortcodes in your theme http://bit.ly/KwzfIf
June 12
Our forum search functionality has been improved. Now you can finally search in individual theme forums! http://bit.ly/LCkwzc
June 13
Do whatever you can to protect your (admin) account. Limiting login attempts is a good start -> http://bit.ly/MBWGAX
June 14
Are you protected from website malware? If not learn all about this in the following article -> http://bit.ly/Nnl288
June 15
Newsletters are still the best way to inform your users about new stuff. Learn all about them in this guide -> http://bit.ly/ybUpJc
June 16
Want to disable your users to reset their WP password? Click on the link to see how you can do that -> http://bit.ly/KK4eTq
June 18
Want to install Google Analytics on your site but don’t know how? Check out this article -> http://bit.ly/Kxg8DF
June 20
Always wondered how sites include ads in the actual post description? Mystery solved! http://bit.ly/KLFLSD
June 21
Everything you ever wanted to know about…color psychology! http://bit.ly/Kndzzl
June 22
Malware problems? Don’t worry, read the following article to successfully investigate and repair your site http://bit.ly/MnNCkL
June 23
Customized your theme? Ready for the next step – customizing WordPress? Don’t miss this article http://bit.ly/LGRQEM
June 24
Tired of others “borrowing” content from your site? Consider using one of these copyright plugins http://bit.ly/MrVtxz
June 25
Want to stop people from stealing your images? Well, you can’t, but you can make it harder for them http://bit.ly/PXKZJ0
June 27
If you’re seriously stuck on something consider submitting it to our Job Board! http://bit.ly/LNB8Cc
June 28
Yes, SEO is important, but it isn’t magical as some would want you to believe. New to SEO? This article is a good start http://bit.ly/KNuHmL
June 29
Need to know who is logging in to your site? The following plugin will make that a reality http://bit.ly/LUQxkl
June 30
All our themes released in the last year or so have shortcodes. Don’t know how to use them? Open this http://bit.ly/KRFNXO
Using an older theme without shortcodes? Open the following tutorial and add them in a few minutes! http://bit.ly/KwzfIf

2012-07-01 20:52:58


Ultimele 25 posturi adăugate

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