. Donate peace music festival

As you may know our small country the poorest in East Europe is separate in 2 parts Moldova and Transnistria with a silent war (political conflict), also its have a lot of other problems as underdevelopment country.

Therefore our organization with a goal: offering the psychological and financial aid to all those who are in needs start to help resolving this problems by joining the UN millennium development goals to develop a global partnership for development we planed a development project below.

We really ask you to help our country to resolve this by holding this very important project with any grant/sponsorship or donation.

I will be more than happy to provide any details about.

Please reply about any opportunity for cooperation.

Sincerely:,Nicolae Cirpala,Director, Moldova

www.irffmd.net,cirpalanick@gmail.com,Skype: irffmd,37322)738330

Project title:

Name of Applicant organization


Website e-mail



Address Zip code and City

Str. C. Virnav 13

MD 2025 Chisinau

Country Contact Person

Republic of Moldova

Cirpala Nicolae

Telephone number Legal Status

+ 373 69006351

NGO (Non Governmental Organization)

Partner organizations: Name of Partner organization 1

Women Federation for World Peace

Country Contact Person

Republic of Moldova

Raisa Bradutanu

Name of Partner organization 2

Clopoteii de argint (children cultural organization)

Country Contact Person

Republic of Moldova

Daria Radu

Project title

Peace Flower

Project duration

Start Date: 1st July 2007

End Date: end of October

Project summary

The project will contribute to create an intercultural collaboration across borders that include Moldova its Transnistria and Gagausia regions and other countries witch will partici[ate in this cultural exchange program for Peace.

Our project is a way of improve relationships and eliminate barriers between the two separate parts of Moldova too. The project will also create a common cultural space between the countries witch will participate at this project. At the project will participate Romania and Ukraine states, which are our and Europe borders countries. The project will also contribute to create a strong cultural relation between the participating states.

Events and activities

  1. Meeting of work group (for planning and distribute the task of each person/organization)
  2. The second meeting of experts for selecting participants at the contest.
  3. The second selection at the participant at the contest
  4. The festival itself and peace picture exhibition
  5. Social activity
  6. Editing a book that will contain the lyrics of songs from festival.
  7. Evaluation


This project is very important to be held in Moldova:

-Is ease to came in Moldova, because of our convenient geographical position and participants not need visa

-Cultural: the state that will participate at this event have in major part the same common cultural historical background that will contribute to the success of our project;

-Social: in fact the country that will participate (Romania, Ukraine, Moldova, including Transnistria region)

-At the moment exists a political, cultural and social gap between the two parts of Moldova. The project purpose is to contribute to eliminate the actual barriers and to integrate that part of population of our country throw culture, which is now the only way since politic dialogs came for now to a dead end.


Short term objectives:

-Promoting peace throw songs and culture

Long term objectives

-After this event will be establish a cultural communion between the populations between the two parts of Nistru River,

- Finding and empower new talents.


Our project is new and original, because is the only project in region that propose cultural inclusion of teenagers and population from all our country. Beside that, the project is proposing to include participants from other countries that will contribute to develop a common cultural peace space that will also contribute to solve political and economical problem of region. The project is also focused on very actual theme for our region and worldwide- to eliminate discrimination and xenophobia.

Target groups

The age of participants will be from 10 - 25 years – 100 persons are expecting participate in contest.

Output and audience

The event will be present in 2 languages (Romanian and English) that are accessible for all the participants at the festival.

The participant will receive throw mail a DVD that will contain record of the festival and also a book, which will be including the lyrics of the songs that were participate in festival.

In the project will also be involved children from the boarding school, centers of creation, representants from embassies, cultural personalities and the Local Public Authorities.


The principal expert of our event is a person that has experience in field of art more that 10 years and now is working at growing new talent at one cultural institution from Moldova country.

Lidia Panfil 30 years experience in staging, at the moment works as stage t5eacher at the Art Institute.

Iulia Palit – manager consultant, member of jury

Margareta Ivanus –

Marian Stircea – member of jury, compositor

Constantin Dragomir – member of jury, poet

Mircea Gutu – singer, manager of musical studio, he is organizing festivals and concerts at the international and local level from 15 years.

Communication/PR strategy

At the Peace Festival will be participate journalists and important personalities from our culture and political medium than will be increase the event popularity and dissemination of information. Before the event start we will spread the information about the opportunity to participate in this contest to all possible participants and also will elaborate a promotional clip that will be distributed to all TV station from country.

At the event will be invite the local TV station from all participating countries that will have the chance to mediates this event.

We also will mediate this event throw web and internet.

Evaluation techniques and indicators

  • Participation scale at the event of teenagers and adult persons
  • The contest will take part in the “Palatul Republicii”, the biggest hall that exist in Moldova
  • At the contest will participate children and teenagers from all the cultural and social background


This event organized second time will became a tradition in our country and the continuity of project will be secured by the funds that will be collected during this event and throw the grants and sponsors that will be interested in this area.

Role of Partners

Women Federation for World Peace – will be responsible for inviting artists and participants at the event, and also to mediate the project activities.

Culture organization – will be responsible to constitute the jury from international experts.

Donate for it here www.irffmd.net

2007-08-17 01:59:15


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