.Donate peace Media
As you may know our small country the poorest in East Europe is separate in 2 parts Moldova and Transnistria with a silent war (political conflict), also its have a lot of other problems as underdevelopment country.
Therefore our organization with a goal: offering the psychological and financial aid to all those who are in needs start to help resolving this problems by joining the UN millennium development goal to develop a global partnership for development we planed a development project below.
We really ask you to help our country to resolve this by holding this very important project with any grant/sponsorship or donation.
We will be more than happy to provide any details about.
Please reply about any opportunity for cooperation.
The project:
Website e-mail
Address Zipcode and City
Str. C. Virnav 13
MD 2025 Chisinau
Country Contact Person
Republic of Moldova
Cirpala Nicolae
Telephone number Legal Status
+ 373 69006351
NGO (Non Governmental Organization)
Partner organizations
Project title1. Youth media Impact for the world peace
Project durationStart Date: 1st August
End Date: 15 of December
Project summaryThe project will develop intercultural activities between European countries, based on universal principles: transparency, consultation, solidarity, communication, information and media, empathy and participation.
Will be invited teenagers from countries of Europe also participants from 3 regions of Moldova to participate in the project. The project will contribute to create an intercultural collaboration across borders that include also all Moldova, Transnistria and Gagausia regions. The European intercultural collaboration preview to stimulate the creation of an international cultural network between these regions and Moldavian organizations, festivals.
Our project is way to improve relationships and eliminate cultural barriers of the two separate parts of Moldova. The project will create a common activities cultural space between the countries; witch will participate at this project. The project will also contribute to create a strong cultural relation between the participating nations. They will have the chance to know about Moldavian culture and other European intercultural practices.
Events and activities
What are the specific activities of your project? Please give an outline of your work programme. (Include details of when and where each event or activity will take place.)
1st Step: Organizing an informative campaign for selecting the most interested teenagers for the project. Beginning of August
2nd Step: The selection process of the participants will be based on the CV, recommendation letter and essay, and announcing the participants of the media intercultural summer school. The target group is teenagers and young people at aged 16-25. Preparing the staff for the media school. Beginning of August.
3rd Step: Preparing the staff for the summer camp-school. Beginning of August.
4th step: The implementation of the Youth Intercultural Media School. The camp will be unfolding in Slobozia-Duşca. Participants from Europe, Moldova, Transnistria regions, as well. The 4 days camps will be workshop-based. Each team will work every day on a specific cultural subject. During sessions we will use interactive means of conveying information’s. Training will include:
· Trainings for radio casting (Audio spots, and social advertisement);
· Trainings to educate intercultural and peace makers;
· Efficient communication and conflict resolution; analysis and decisions trainings;
· Organizing cultural programs and contests;
· Training for TV producing (Video spots) about European culture diversity and similarities;
· Training for reporters: newspaper making and article writing;
· Identifying and planning of solving community problems trainings,
Middle of August
5th step: After the camp trainings the participants will go to their localities and to prepare video, audio spots, newspapers - intercultural and pace promoting materials. In September, October, November.
6th step: Organizing the intercultural Festival on 9 December, International Day of Children and Youth in Mass Media. Evaluation of the project editing a final rapport (book) that will contain all information from project, as well as at festival result of intercultural experience of participated countries and the best practice of the project.Middle of December.
Briefly describe the project’s field of activity in relation to the context in which it will be developed (geographical, cultural, social and political). Why is your project needed in this context and how is it relevant to the regional and/or European level?
This project is very important to be held in Moldova:
- Moldova became in 2007 immediate neighbor of European Community. With all its advantages and problems. It is urgently needed national integrity and culture of peace for faster social and economical growth and cultural transformation and integration in EC.
- At the moment in Moldova exist a political, cultural and social gap between the two parts of Moldova(left and right side of the Nistru, and Southern region Gagauzia) The project purpose is to eliminate the barriers and bring integrity and common understanding today’s young people of our country through culture of peace in mass media, which is now the only way since political dialogs came for now to a dead end.
- Cultural: the states that will participate at this event have in major part the same common cultural historical background that will contribute to the success of our project; The project improve cultural collaboration within Moldova and it’s immediate neighbors (Romania, Ukraine).
- Social: in fact the countries that will participate. Sometimes, the culturally deprived zones have opportunities to open their cultural experience.
- Moldova, has convenient geographical position and participants from Europe not need visa.
What are the short-term and long-term objectives of your project? (No more than 10 lines of bullet points)
Short term objectives:
- Creation of intercultural network.
- Promoting intercultural collaboration between different Europe countries, as well as between Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, Transnistria regions.
- Organizing of training sessions, discussions, exposition, cultural performances and experience.
- Unfolding the Indo-European Festival.
- To establish a intercultural communion between the populations of European countries, between the two parts of Nistru River.
- Elimination of race discrimination and xenophobia phenomenon.
- Finding new talents
- To promote new young talents
- Obtaining good experience
- To organize yearly intercultural European festival.
Project’s relevance
1. Our project proposes is to establish an European intercultural competence and collaboration across borders of international participants.
2. At the moment exist a social and political gap between the two parts of Moldova and the project is proposing to eliminate problems and barriers of communication between people.
3. International transfer of cultural experience.
4. At the moment the only chance to integrate all the people is camp, which will promote a multicultural integration and collaboration.
The teenagers will be mobilizing to participate at the project. The success to keep our national culture it’s to initiate them in projects actions.
Our project is new and original, because is the only project in region that propose intercultural inclusion of teenagers and population from European countries, through using the mass media tools (newsletter, radio and TV). Beside that, the project is proposing to include participants from other country that will contribute to develop a common cultural festival. The must important and original objective is to eliminate discrimination and xenophobia between nations, which includes vast arias. Each person must be accepted indifferent of race, sex, religion and ethnic provenience, etc. The first thing is to remember that violence, by anyone, is wrong and should not be tolerated under any circumstances. No one has the right to assault or humiliate others, or destroy property, whatever the issue.
At the same time, everyone has the right to protest against something they consider wrong and they have a right to enforce rules in their own homes, if not in public spaces.
The project is also focused on very actual theme for our region. Sometimes, the projects attract new audiences to national arts.
It is often noted that cultural deprivation in rural areas is more hidden and harder than in urban areas, due to the more mixed nature of rural communities. That happened because in rural areas deprived people do not tend to be distributing in homogeneous geographic areas. The project previews a permanently information of large public. That would include the cooperation between participants and regions, as well as cultural education between the parts. They would have the chance to know another international European experience in cultural domain.
Target groups
The age of participants will be from 16 - 25 years – 100 persons are expecting participate in contest. The selection process of the participants based on the CV, recommendation letter and essay writing). As well as, will be invited persons from 20 different country of Europe.
The teenagers’ generation must be interested about cultural reforms in deprived zones, because these regions have limited access to information. The young peoples consists major force to eliminate barriers of communication, of cooperation with another important institution or access of their services.
The young people have an important role, since to establish intercultural policing (an attempt to control the cultural and moral atmosphere prevalent in society).
The whole issue is basically that of intercultural conflict – one group in society begins to move towards a culture (or a set of morals) with which the other group is uncomfortable, and therefore the latter tries to force the former to comply with their own values and morals.
Output and audienceThe practical result is to educate and to instruct the young people (100 persons), through advertising campaign. The young people will inform community about intercultural projects’ activities. They must prepare spots and video materials about intercultural European experience. Sometimes, the teenagers will develop innovator capacity in deprived zones.
Another result is, the training discussion, which offers the possibility to organize and to implement local project. The experts would instruct them (teenagers from Moldova and Europe countries) and would evaluate the final results.
At the intercultural European festival will be award prizes for best local intercultural projects (initiated by young people), where will be invited important persons that: peace- and cultural- makers, specialists.
The mass media have an important role, because that is a modality to inform community about activities and results of project. The new combination of existing processes or technologies including the opportunities of media to mobilize teenagers in activities and trainings for forming active citizenship, cultural makers and to implement media projects.
The participant will receive throw mail a DVD that will contain record of the intercultural European festival and also a book, which will be including the information about project, where participate in festival.
In the project will also be involved children from the boarding school, centers of creation, represent ants from embassies, cultural personalities and the Local Public Authorities.
Impact at policy levelPlease explain the message your project could deliver at policy level. Could the outcomes influence decisions made by policymakers in the cultural sector?
The strategy of regional development in cultural domain, as well as European strategies, is conceived to initiate creativities, transparency, information, consultation and implication of groups in this project, which have common intercultural interest.
The objectives, which are in national concept, represent important points for public policy in cultural domain. That includes:
· Correlation of European cultural activities with regional policy.
· Realization of intercultural exchange, to keep cultural identity in region of Moldova
· Creating the condition to develop the innovator capacity of community.
· To stimulate the social and cultural capacity of participants, demanding the deprived zones.
- Development of cultural activities, in special in separate regions, that solution to decrease social exclusion; and to implement the solidarity and empathies between European nations.
- Implementation of regional projects, which favor to explore the cultural, human, material potential.
The children from the two sides of Nistru river will have the chance to meet each other and to promote together the message of project throw European culture and art. This will be the only chance for teenager to speak each other in a calm and friendly atmosphere. Beside that, the young people would have the possibility to initiate new relationship with the key - persons of mass-media spheres.
We are sure that this project will contribute at the solving the problems that exists, that xenophobia, race and ethnic-discrimination and conflict between the 2 parts of Nistru river.
Describe the working methods you will use to realize the objectives listed in section 2. (You should also explain how these working methods relate to the context and needs of your project’s target groups as listed in section 3.)
Methods proposed for execution of the project are: direct and indirect observation – to know the causes of problems and solutions; the case study - will offer the possibility to resolve the situation of cultural deprived regions; the brainstorming – represent a flux idea, to establish the gravely problems.
Sometimes, would be evaluating the changes after and before the project, to know the result of activities and expectation of community. In a result would be an intercultural festival, which includes the cultural information and results about project.
ExpertiseBriefly describe the relevant professional background and expertise of the key cultural operators, experts, artists (or others) involved in this project.
The principal expert of our event is a person that have experience in field of art more that 10 years and now is working at growing new talent at one cultural institution from Moldova country.
Lidia Panfil 30 years experience in staging, at the moment works as stage teacher at the Art Institute.
Iulia Palit – manager consultant, member of jury
Margareta Ivanus – singerMarian Stircea – member of jury, compositor
Constantin Dragomir – member of jury, poet
Mircea Gutu – singer, manager of musical studio, he is organizing festivals and concerts at the international and local level from 15 years.
Director of project: Cirpala Nicolae
Manager of project: Ciobanu Daniela
Accountant: Timbaliuc Ana
Fundraising:Victor Renita
Author of publication, redactor: Sirbu Veronica
Designer: Tatiana Andries
Logistician: Calestru Mihai
Communication/PR strategyHow will you publicize and raise the profile of your project and its results? How will you involve the media to ensure wide coverage beyond specialist target groups? (Impact at European level is of particular interest to us.)
At the European intercultural Festival will be participate journalists and important personalities also as from Europe, our culture and political medium than will be increase the event popularity and dissemination of information. Before the event start we will spread the information about the opportunity to participate in this contest to all possible participants and also will elaborate a promotional clip that will be distributed to all TV station from country.
At the event will be invited the local TV station from all participating countries that will have the chance to mediates this event and how they can prevent culture and/or moral deprivation. We also will mediate this event throw web and internet.
Mass media, than direct way of information, can to influence the public opinion and the civically actions of community. The technological progress permit to collect the necessary information, to accord the adequate cultural instruction as part of training sessions.
Evaluation techniques and indicators.Please list the indicators for all objectives, activities and outputs that will enable you to measure the success of your work. Say how you will collect information on these indicators, and how you will document your evaluation. What is the desired result of this evaluation? (No more than 20 lines).
The indicators for all objectives have been:
- The level of culture;
- Implication of community in education of teenagers about intercultural normative;
- Motivation of the citizens to be implied in another cultural actions (to watch spectacles, to visit public libraries, theatres, acquisition of books, to be permanently informed about cultural news etc.)
We would apply a questionnaire, including subjects on these indicators. This evaluation will be documented in final rapport. Sometimes, the training discussions implied numerously teenagers that are interested in dissemination of cultural information.
- Participation scale at the event of teenagers and adult persons
- The contest will take part in the “Palatul Republicii”, the biggest hall that exist in Moldova
- At the contest will participate children and teenagers from all the cultural and social background
SustainabilityHow will the activities be continued or followed up after the project ends? How do you think future funding could be secured?
This event will became a tradition in our country and the continuity of project will be secured by the funds that will be collected during this event and throw the grants and sponsors that will be interested in this area.
The intercultural European festival will be unfolded early, creating new relation between regions, participants and countries. In these way, the sustainability of project is assure by active implication of community, young people, state institutions, another NGOs interested at these domain. Intercultural network offer new contacts, open new horizons, creating strong relationship between deprived zones, not only.
Lead Applicant OrganisationIn what year was your organisation established?
What was your organisation’s total budget for the previous year (in Euros)?
75794,28 Euro
What is the mission of your organisation? (No more than 5 lines)
To help people and community who are in need of help.
What are the main activities of your organisation? (No more than 8 lines)
We a philanthropically, not for Profit organization that is active in helping children and youth to solve their own problems with the local human resources. We also promote a health life style among teenagers and children. We had created a network of 30 local clubs that are active in their communities and also our organization is support 2 orphanages from Chisinau and Balti cities.
Overall, our projects focus within three major categories:
1. Educational - including literacy programs, basic educational projects, vocational training, agricultural programs and service-learning programs.
2. Health-care - involving shipment of medical supplies, equipment, and pharmaceuticals; health and nutritional programs and seminars. HIV/AIDS prevention projects.
3. Basic disaster and immediate short-term relief projects - which include both the provision of relief items and also our youth, volunteer activities.
Another actions are the projects implemented by IRFF ONLUS, including donors’ names:
2002 - Medical assistance of a Remote village from Moldova Project, IRFF Europe;
2003, 2006 -"Turning point of Global Governance: New approach to create peace in transition society" peace conferences; IIF for World Peace;
2003, 2005 - Peace Festivals contests at National Radio, International FWP;
From 2004-2007 Youth Change the World a 40 youth democracy initiatives and local management clubs all over Moldova project; Jun Foundation, IRFF International, Local sponsors;
2004 - Production of a documentary movie "They+Us=All" for HIV/AIDS prevention, in collaboration with the Anti-AIDS Association from Moldova "Amas";
2001-2007 Long Distant Adoption: IRFF Italy 200 000$
2003-2006 ABC - zero HIV transmition lifestyle: CORD AID 20 000euro
2006 Peace Flower festival: IRFF International 3000$
Describe the structure of your organisation.
Please include such details as number of employees and the nature of the Board.
(No more than 7 lines).
The board consist from
Director – 1
Vice director – 2
Secretary - 1
Employees - 9
Role of PartnersPlease ensure that you refer to the key partner organizations you have entered in section 2 in addition to any other organizations or individuals that also play a significant role in your project. Briefly indicate the roles and responsibilities of each partner in the project, stating why you have chosen to work with these partners and the relevant experience they bring to the project.
Asociaţia Internaţională pentru Educatie din RM as welll as IRFF ONLUS– will be responsible for the project activities: advertising information campaign, organizing the summer camp and selection of participants.
- staff and group leaders trainings, publications and media relationships, manage the application and inviting participants process.
Culture NGOs – will be responsible to constitute the jury from international experts and to initiate new contacts.
Their responsibilities are to initiate and to develop activities in especially with teenagers that participate permanently in different actions based on citizenship and collaboration with other NGOs.
Interested in project contact us for more
Or simple donate online for it here: www.irffmd.net
2007-08-17 02:24:35