The Moldovan villages advance in a deep poverty

The Moldovan villages are struggling with a tough poverty. Since the collapse of the USSR, all the factories and plants are closed and destroyed. The economy is down and the people have no jobs. The recession didn’t affect the people from the Moldovan villages because they were already in poverty and hard living before the world recession.

Almost every single family has one parent who is working abroad in order to financially support their household. Houses with children remain alone, maybe with one parent or some relatives. In this way, the population of the villages and small towns is decreasing. No stores or any other industries are working here. The health care system is very weak and many people have to travel kilometers away in order to find a pharmacy or a hospital.

The roads look like after the war. They were not rebuilt since the USSR collapse. New houses are not built because the people have no enough money. Most of the people work in constructions in Moscow, Russia for months and send the money back home. This is the only source of financing of most of the Moldovan families.

A high qualified nurse in Moldova is paid $100 - $120 a month. A high school teacher is paid around $100 a month. It is extremely difficult to live with a salary like this, due to the high prices on gas, electricity, water and other utilities. The best qualitative fuel in Moldova cost $1.20/liter.
The governmental taxes are 20% on everything – food, books, electronics, cigarettes, alcohol, gas, clothing.

At the same time, since April 2009, Moldova is struggling with a political crisis, as well. The country doesn’t have a president, only an acting president, and parliamentary elections will be held in November this year after a failure on a Constitutional Referendum.

2010-09-28 21:59:00


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