Fleur de Moldavie

 Fleur de Moldavie Fleur de Moldavie

Just an English blog of a Moldovan girl that has a French soul.
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dor de murakami
    De-o lună n-am citit cărți artistice. De-o lună n-am alergat dimineața.        Mi-e dor...     Așa mi-am adus aminte de cartea lui Haruki Murakami „What I Talk About When I Talk About Running”. Încă n-am finisat romanul, dar deja pot să-l descriu în cîteva cuvinte - viața, scop și realizare. Fără drama, dar cu multă filosofie.      Ca de obicei, simplitatea mi-a cucerit. <3

        Pentru mine Murakami este liniștea. Lectura se transformă într-o meditație.     Nu e neapărat să fii un amator de jogging ca să-l înțelegi pe personajul principal. I just run. I run in a void. Or maybe I should put it the other way: I run in order to acquire a void.But as you might expect, an occasional thought will slip into this void.     O să descoperi cum un scriitor genial se teme să vorbească în public.     Uneori se aseamănă cu o carte motivațională, dar fără multe îndemnuri și sfaturi. (încerc să spun că nu este annoying).      Mi-am găsit motto-ul preferat pentru aceasta iarna:  Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional    

            Nu sunt gata să alerg un maraton sau să scriu romane, dar cartea asta mi-a făcut să mă simt un pic mai bine. Autorul nu mi-a dezamăgit.      Murakami se prescrie celor care s-au săturat de știri și își fac prea multe griji.      Lăsați panica, citiți o carte! :)  P.S. Link la carte. Don't tell anyone. may the gods of internet forgive me. Love, peace și chestii...      
Evolve or die
     După cîteva articole despre evoluția companiilor și startup-urilor din lume  am început serios să mă gîndesc despre rolul culturii organizaționale în Moldova. Ca de obicei, noi suntem cu 10-20 pași în urmă (sunt o optimistă).      Da, noi avem oameni talentați cu idei de afaceri. Da, există potențial.     Știți ce nu există?     Moldova n-are un sistem educațional competitiv (sau cum spun colegii mei „normal”). De zeci de ori edităm aceeași cărți, copiem paragrafe de text în caiete și scriem teoria sub dictare.      Numai în aceste două saptămâni patru specialiști din diferite domenii mi-au spus că studenții, adică tineri-specialiști, nu știu „a gîndi”.       „Știu ceva, posedă niște competențe, dar nu sunt individualități” - opinia potențialilor angajatori/parteneri despre noi. Un viitor cu perspective, nu-i așa?      M-am săturat. M-am informat. M-am inspirat.   New trends: Viteza - tendința timpului. Exemplu: în China o casă cu 59 de etaje se construiește aprox. în 19 zile.

Inovațiile. Companiile de succes pe piață modernă activitează,în mediu, 7 ani.  Dacă un startup nu mai are idei noi compania dispare. Anterior afacerile existau cîte 50 de ani fără schimbări. Informația - energia secolului. Bazele de date au înlocuit liderul principal - petrolul. Nu mai are sens să vorbim despre lipsa resurselor naturale în regiune sau cum aceasta e una dintre principalele cauze a situației noastre economice.

Investiții în IT. Capitalul Top-15 IT companii din lume în ultimii 20 de ani s-a mărit de 1400 ori. Agile-teams, echipe de 8-10 persoane care sunt specialiști în domenii, înloiuesc treptat Legacy organizations. New leadership style - „Nu repetă ce ți-am spus, fă ca mine” - motto-ul managerilor

Gîndirea sistematică - analiza și sintez. Intilegența emoțională - imaginația, cunoaștere și personalitate.

Radical truth. Managerul modern ascultă critica și feedback-ul negativ. Soft skills (70%) - leadership, evitarea și soluționarea conflictelor, cultura organizațională,   comunicare, dezbateri, analiza.  Hard skills (30%) - finanțe, baze de date, tehnologii moderne, abilitățile decizionale, managementul proiectelor.  Moldova, wake up! The winds of change are here. The evolution is coming...
5 minutes of productivity
     We are the busiest generation in the history of the mankind. We never have enough time to complete our daily tasks, it's a struggle to balance our social life and careers/education. I might not be qualified enough to give you the perfect time management strategy, but I am in the process of discovering the truth behind productivity. :)      I like to think that every year I can become a little better, so I try to acquire good habits that influence my personal development. Believe me that it's not as hard as you think.       Do you have 5 spare minutes every day? Probably, yes. Then, you can try to do the following activities every day (or at least sometimes):      1. Meditation      It might sound weird and scary at the beginning, however, later you get used to it. You don't have to do anything complicated, just get comfortable and stop thinking (it's one of rare moments when lack of brain activity has beneficial influence on you). If you start researching this subject, you'll find a variety of methods. I've read a couple of those articles, but for two years I haven't changed my meditation routine:

get comfortable (lay/sit down, any position that you like) create the mood (I like to light up the scented candles and turn on different nature sounds, like rain, ocean or forest) breathing: a deep inhale through your nostrils (3 seconds), hold your breath (2 seconds), and a long exhale through your mouth (4 seconds) try no to think (it sounds easy, but in reality you get distracted every minute) if you're anything like me and you can't stop thinking, then at least have positive thoughts, have a motivational talk with yourself, remind yourself why everything you matters) for extra information use apps like Calm or Headspace   Remember that you don't have to follow any specific instructions to have a pleasant experience, do what makes you happy and leaves a positive impact on your mind.      2. Reading

    It's obvious, right? At the same time, we don't read for pleasure. Some time ago I noticed an interesting pattern - every day I read a lot, but this long list never includes books I like,  it includes only  financial reports, manuals, articles, laws, projects, plans etc. Though all of these materials are important, every human being needs inspiration. One of the greatest sources of inspiration are books. Again, you don't have to read an entire chapter to grasp you daily dose of food for thought. For example, in 5 minutes I can read around 3-5 pages depending on the language and the difficulty of the text. In order to make this activity enjoyable take novels, biographies, journals etc. Take 5-10 minutes a day to read a couple of pages from your favourite books. My favorites include (yes, these is the list of books I've actually read using this method):  1Q84 by Haruki Murakami Why Don't Penguins' Feet Freeze?: And 114 Other Questions (stop judging me, this book is the answer to all questions from my childhood) L'amour dure trois ans by Frédéric Beigbeder (don't watch the movie, read the book)  Bonjour tristesse by Françoise Sagan (I know it's not the easiest book to read, but for no reason french language and deeps spiritual quotes bring a sense of peace)    3. Learn new words   4. Work out/take a walk   5. Talk to your loved ones                                                          ...   

     I can continue this list up to the infinity. Just start using a couple of minutes a day to your benefit. It's not complicated. Every person can choose activities according to his/her priorities. In my case, at the moment it's reading and meditation. That's exactly why I described these two activities as an example of what you can do in 5 minutes. If you have the will, you'll always have enough time.   
noi și schimbările
O mare parte a problemelor în societatea noastră nu sunt numai de genul economic. Timp de o saptămînă am înțeles că cele mai multe conflicte apar atunci cînd: 1. cineva nu ascultă 2. cineva nu spune ce gîndește 3. cineva se crede mai deștept decît punctul 1 și 2 4. cineva pretinde că nu observă 5. toți împreună nu ne implicăm  Într-o astfel de situație nu avem dreptul să fim nemulțumiți de tot ceea ce se întîmplă.

Avem trei posibilități: - continuăm să aplicăm una din strategiile sus menționate, astfel agravînd conflictul, dar nimic nu se schimbă - exprimăm ideeile noastre, suntem susținuți de tipul 1-5, care ne îndeamnă să aducem schimbare, dar pe urmă nu vor să facă nimic  - facem schimbul de păreri, venim la un numitor comun, aplicăm ideile cele mai potrivite, rezolvăm problema împreună prin acțiuni concrete (let a girl dream...) Știu despre be the change you want to see in the world, dar chiar nu poți muta munții pe loc de unul singur. Concluzie: trebuie să încercăm să nu fim aceste tipuri de persoane, că chiar o să rămînem pe loc, sau o să degradăm treptat. Implicați-vă și nu fiți indiferenți!  “After all, if you do not resist the apparently inevitable, you will never know how inevitable the inevitable was.” ― Terry Eagleton Peace, love și chestii
Turist prin Orhei, un jurnal de excursie
         "Toamna se numără amintiri frumoase", m-am gîndit după cîteva ore petrecute cu oameni interesanți, impreună cu care am descoperit unul dintre cele mai populare trasee turistice din Moldova. Fiind un turist amator, orașul Orhei mi se asocia numai cu niște amintiri din copilărie, dar de data aceasta am ajuns să-l privesc cu alți ochi. Pentru prima dată am inceput să mă uit în jurul meu prin prisma unui turist. Din aceasta perspectivă incepi sa observi toate lucrurile interesante fără subiectivitate. 

     Grupa noastră a avut noroc să fie condusă de cel mai cool ghid - Svetlana Matvievici, care nu numai povestește cu multă pasiune despre fiecare colț al orașului, dar și te inspiră să descoperi melagurile natale.   Piața Vasile Lupu

                                Photo credits: Svetlana Matvievici       După o scurtă comunicare istorică începi să simți cu adevărat spiritul orașului. La fel, n-am putut rata oportunitate să facem poze pe banca "Covorul dorului", care deja a devenit o atracție turistică și un simbol al orașului.  Biserica romano-catolică

    Bisericile catolice, din punct de vedere arhitectural, întodeauna au un farmec deosebit. După ce am cercetat un pic istoria bisericii am aflat că are 102 ani, a trecut prin diverse evenimente istorice mai puțin plăcute și abia recent a fost re-inaugurată. (mai multe informații puteți găsi aici) Comuna Piatra

         Cei curajoși și dornici de aventuri pot să-și încerce norocul pe acest pod :)      Cool pics for instagram are guaranteed.  Agro Pensiunea Butuceni

         La Butuceni mi-am adus aminte de clipe petrecute vara la bunei. 

     Photo credits: Xenia Balabuh       Am făcut cunoștință cu cineva foarte simpatic, sper să ne mai vedem.  Pentru o călătorie reușită aveți nevoie de: 1. un  ghid 2. un grup de oameni faini 3. cîteva ore libere 4. entuziasm P.S. Aventurile noastre au făcut parte din programul ARC Blogging Camp, organizat de American Resource Center în parteneriat cu Granat.  P.P.S. Special thanks to Artur for great end of our trip in Donici.      
Summer Favourites 2016
     I have always felt like little, even insignificant things can help me relax and just just chill. As someone who is in a constant search of new experiences I tend to have mixed tastes in many areas. Luckily, this summer was full of discoveries, so I'd like to share people and things that I just literally fell in love with. There are two more sweet weeks to find new stuff to add to this list, but anyways here are 8 items I really enjoyed:  Movies & TV Shows  The Night Manager     As someone who has been John le Carré fan for some time, I was really skeptical on this one. Everybody knows that great books never make into good movies. In le Carré own words:   Having your book turned into a movie is like seeing your oxen turned into bouillon cubes.      However, this is an exception that turned out to be stunning. Somehow this is really similar to what you imagine while reading a book and even more.     Music X Ambassadors       2. Billions     I love movies/TV shows and everything related to finance, economics or markets. This is exactly the type of show where you get it all. It might be not the most family friendly show, due to many factors you will notice right from the first minute of watching, but it reminds the viewer that every person has a complex character and just good/evil people don't exist. Anyone can do the right thing, but at the same time have a bad side or vice-versa. Also, I have never thought that Damian Lewis can play once again such a brilliant lead after Homeland.          3. The Man Who Knew Infinity     Once again a movie based on a book that unravels life of a genius. It's kind of a sad story that needs to be told, because the humanity often forgets about its brightest minds.  I guarantee that you will get inspired by this story and you might weep a little (well, I did).    We are merely explorers of infinity in the pursuit of absolute happiness. Books     4. "Doctor Zhivago" by Boris Pasternak     This summer I've read a couple of books, but only one truly captivated my attention. Though I spend a part of my life speaking Russian language, for an unknown reason my relationship with this country's cultural heritage has always been complicated. My world turned upside down when I discovered "Doctor Zhivago" by Boris Pasternak. It is not an easy night read you can forget the next day, this book leaves an impact on your mind. "Doctor Zhivago" is about a citizen who had to deal with drastic changes in his country. It's about a man who loved and was loved. I highly doubt that anyone can grasp the main ideas of this book in a couple of lines, so I am going to share with you my favorite quotes that I found in English:     “The rulers of your minds indulge in proverbs, but they've forgotten the main one, that love cannot be forced, and they have a deeply rooted habit of liberating people and making them happy, especially those who haven't asked for it. You probably fancy that there's no better place in the world for me than your camp and your company. I probably should even bless you and thank you for my captivity, for your having liberated me from my family, my son, my home, my work, from everything that's dear to me and that I live by.”  “I don't think I could love you so much if you had nothing to complain of and nothing to regret. I don't like people who have never fallen or stumbled. Their virtue is lifeless and of little value. Life hasn't revealed its beauty to them.”  “Progress in science is governed by the laws of repulsion, every step forward is made by refutation of prevalent errors and false theories. Forward steps in art are governed by the law of attraction, are the result of imitation of and admiration for beloved predecessors.”        I dare you to read it and remain untouched by this man's fate.  Music 5. X Ambassadors    Well, I just have something for alternative rock. I am quite surprised I didn't discover this band earlier. They sound like a love child of Imagine Dragons and Linkin Park, which in my opinion is a pretty cool mixture. What's great about bands like that is them being amazing both studio and live. 6. Ibeyi               These girls give me chills. Their performance just brings you into a different universe, the lyrics are deep and Cuban notes create a certain unique atmosphere. If you also enjoy music like that, we can definitely be friends. (any similar music suggestions are very welcome <3) 7. Alicia Keys              I might have been living under the rock, but this July I rediscovered her creations. She is magic. Her new songs are so much different from everything else she's ever done and I love it. Latin beat and Afro beat are everything, not to mention her simple, yet touching video. 8. Walking on Cars        This band was discovered thanks to my mother's unusual music taste. One day I just heard this song playing while she was on her laptop, so I had to steal it like I did in case of Florence + The Machine, Hurts, FKA twigs and other hundreds of bands.  I know I have a really cool mom.    Hope you will enjoy this list as much as I did. Cheers. 
19 things I learned turning 19
     For almost a month I have been comparing my life of a teen and slowly approaching adulthood that knocked on the door on the 5th of July. It is not about feeling older or more mature, it is certainly not about my inability to understand the concept of a grown woman. It is about achievements, responsibilities and social standards. This idea has been following me for some time: as long as every year you become a better person, the number on the Facebook calendar has very little real significance. 

Here is the list of 19 things I learned turning 19:  1. There are no purely good or evil people, everyone makes mistakes. Learning to forgive might be hard, but is totally worth it.  2. It's all about the perspective. Try to analyze problems taking in consideration different opinions and options.  3. Saying No feels good if it feels right.

4. The older you get, the harder it gets to make friends and not just acquaintances. Opening up to people is tough, but never quit trying. 5. Sleep deprivation is a struggle and you no longer can go without proper sleep for a couple of days. 6. Falling, failing and making mistakes might not be as painful as you used to feel. You learn to accept it. 7. You stops perceiving critics as your sworn enemies. You know how and when to listen. 8. You think about the future a lot more. Yeah, I mean A LOT... On good days you're eager and excited, on bad days confused (you have more good days, so it's alright). 9. Wasting time, efforts and resources is one of greatest nightmares.  10. The bond between you and your family gets stronger. You want to take care of them, even if it means sacrificing something for yourself. Also, your appreciate the time you spend with your parents. 11. You judge and praise yourself more often. I think it's all just about appreciating your ups.  12. Anger and fear can be controlled.   13. The must and the want are equally important. Do what makes you happy, but try not to forget about your obligations.   14. You have things that make you happy and comfy, like listening to your favorite songs or lightening aromatic candles (yeah, I am weird).

15. You are afraid to make the same mistakes twice. At moments like this just remember the point 12.  16. You become more selective in foods, drinks, outfits. Right, you have your favorite brands and you are keen on buying these stuff.  17. Going to social gatherings is something that you like and enjoy, even if you don't know a single person there.  18. Finally you have your style and preferences, but you still google images of outfits, latest books and movie trends.    19. You are smarter with your choices. Knowing what's right and wrong for you makes life a lot easier. 

Public Private Stories
           The modern era of social media is taking over our lives. Everyone has its favorite platform or means of communication. Some people are into posting picture, others enjoy writing a status. What would be an ultimate tool to create your own little corner on the Internet? You've probably already guessed that I am going to talk about blogs on a blog. No ads, just real raw feelings.       In my life I've made quite a few attempts to share my stories with the global community and all those blogs got lost on the dark side of the Web soon after. I lacked something. When the exam and internship season was over for me I started to look for new opportunities. That's when I found a Facebook post about Blogging Camp on the page of the American Resource Center in Chisinau. I applied and after a week full of new ideas I am ready to share my experience with you.       Let me start by saying that it's quite a unique event of its kind in Moldova. Generally speaking the social platforms and media tools are not widely discussed topics in my country, though for many young people "the online life" represents a subject of a major interest.  This event united young professionals and teens with one goal - to upgrade the Moldovan blogosphere. Though the positive consequences of the event are yet to come, at this point it's safe to say that the participants of this camp are ready to bring the change into the local blogging community.    It was cool because of: The Trainers.   The success of any workshop depends on the speakers and their energy.  In just five we had opportunity to meet many amazing people who were ready to share their experience and ideas with us. Artur Gurau introduced us to Medium (a blogging platform) and shared hints on how to write quality content. With Viorel Pahomi we discussed the problems of modern Internet community and the issue of ethics. Svetlana Matvievici aka Orheianca talked about starting a blog and promoting through it Moldovan tourism on the international level. Thanks to Andrei Fornea we discovered local blogal community (BlogOGO , Blogosfera atc.). With the help of Radu Lisita all participants managed to choose themes and topics for the blogs. Nicolae Apostu shared his blogging tips and helped us write our first posts. Andrei Curăraru talked about his blogging experience and rules to follow when writing a blog. Alexandru Lebedev  pointed out the importance of the title, style of the page and content placement. Ion Mocan gave presentation about WeVideo and taught us how to edit videos with this tool. And last but not least, with Andrei Bolocan we discussed video blogging and his sketches on Lumina .  The Participants. My performance and drive usually depend on the people around me. Luckily, this time I had opportunity to get inspired by the people around me. It was nice to begin creating something new beside these friendly and bright teens: Xenia Balabuh, Francesca Starinschi, Veronica Deşcan, Ana-Maria Vechiu, Lulu Danilov, Braicov Daniela, Lumi Chihai, Diana Daicu and Andrei Popovici. 

The Atmosphere. It's easy to be creative when you get the necessary support. The ARC staff took care of all the details and provided us with all the necessary things, the Granat team brought cool people in and made sure we didn't starve. :)   Final thoughts:     Events like this will generate a new wave of creative youth, who potentially can solve problems in our society on different levels. Also, as a result of such workshops teens learn how to articulate their thoughts in the modern digital world. Personally, I will apply things I learned because for some time I have been craving for a possibility to share/debate different ideas.    P.S. This post is sponsored exclusively by the good vibes.

The Big Mystery Behind Being Productive
     People take thousands of decisions daily and everyone has only those precious 24 hours. Even in these circumstances our world is divided in two types of people: those who finish all of their deadlines on time and those who are always late to everything. Well, in the last 5 years I have been on both sides of the equation in the process of searching the balance that would fit into the busy student life. I wanted something that wouldn’t make me stressed and at the same time would improve the quality of performance. For my great disappoint you can’t just become productive, organized and happy in a couple of days. Also, I found out that there is no universal formula to satisfy everyone’s needs (some need to learn to plan their time, others to complete the required tasks). It’s a slow process that you can adjust according to your preferences, only then it’ll become a long-term habit. Here are a few steps I followed to get a little better:  Do your research. It doesn’t necessarily involve long books on the topic because, to be fair, some of them make a simple person feel useless. Find resources that make you feel motivated and happy. There are a lot helpful people on Tumblr , Pinterest and Instagram. Just search hashtags like #productivity, #motivation and for students #studyblog. If you want to learn more about different techniques to organize yourself, take a look at the following Youtube channels:         Track your activity. Try to write down things you need to do and the amount of time it might consume. Include in the list your breaks. Some researchers suggest that in order to find a perfect schedule you need to write down all the things you do for a week with hours (including breaks, snacks, rest). It helps determine what consumes your time (for example: you spend average 4 hours on social media, so if you cut this time in half, you’ll have more time to do your homework or sleep, as a result the next day you’ll feel better about yourself). To keep track of everything you can use stickers, notebooks or bullet journals.                                                                            Make it a habbit. Did you know that you can acquire a habit in 30 days? To make it easier use a habit tracker. I like to use the tracker I found online, but you can always make your own.                                                                                                                            Be patient and enjoy the process. Remember that you are doing this for yourself and it should make you happy. If something is too hard to follow, try to change the routine. Nobody is perfect, but anyone can strive for greatness. It will get tough sometimes, however, you will thank yourself later. These are the steps that help me. How do you organize your activity?

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