It has been a long time since I last wrote
this period of time I thought about this , and today I decided to write something
I think that no one is reading and no one knows about this blog
but I don't care
I write for me , for the person that lives in my head
and maybe for that person who will discover this one day
in this period of time all the things changed
but I'm still that little girl that likes rain and silence
I still dream about traveling
and leaving this city
I'm tired of all of it
of this stupid standards ...
of this people
of this streets
of all
I need a break
sorry, I know
is not a good post

some "porridge" about life ... (motivation)
I'm a big dreamer
all my life consist of dreams
I dream more when I'm awake
I think that dreaming is escape ...
escape from cruel reality.
escape from my troubles ,problems
I forget my problems
in dreams life seems to be easier
you have a perfect world
and all your dreams come true
but dreaming has also a negative side,named :
" returning in reality"
that moment when :
all it's perfect
you live in a amazing world
in paradise
and after all ,you realise that all is your fantasy
you're just dreaming
and all problems and worries come back.
I never saddened of this
this is life...
and we must accept it ,the way it is
yeah,I know
life isn't so easy
there're million troubles
like :
diseases ,death of loved ones,broken hearts,problems with parents ...
and other hard problems...
but we must fight them
fight them all !
be strong
don't give up
don't wait for sadness to kill you
act,move,do, make it!
sunny and beautiful days are coming.
don't give up!

in love with rain...
oh,how I love this...
smell of the rain,dark clouds
sad music.
hot and tasty tea
and blog
sitting in a room ,with light turned off .
it's amazing !
people,please ...
don't turn on lanterns on streets
how I want to be far from the city now
far from the lights
from supermarkets
and other things that disturb the silence.
I love rainy days .

Calling of the river...
the endless river asked me for a kiss.
he promised me eternity and heavenly kingdom
he manipulated me by the whispers of souls
I known his voice
he had the sweetest voice I ever heard
I was hypnotized
and I kissed him ...
suddenly I got satisfied
all my sadness and worries disappeared
warm surrounded me
and I felt a cold breeze
like someone, were breathing behind me
it was him ...
lord of the river .
he was beautiful
no ...
he wasn't beautiful
he was perfect.
he looked like an angel
but without wings
I've never seen anything (anyone) more beautiful in my life.
we stood there all night
talking and talking ...
... about nothing
between us formed a bond.
shortly before the sunrise,he said that he had to go.
I wanted to go with him
but he stopped me
and said only :
-Wait !
and embraced me.
then he disappeared ...
since then i'm waiting for him
to see him again ...
and go with him...
... in his kingdom.

waste ...
I planned to wake up this night at 3am (or at 4am)
this is my favourite time
early morning
when you wake up
and find silence
in this silence you find "YOU"
the real you
you seem to be a different person
often I think :
"how happy are persons,wich can see sun rise
in a house,far from the city
near a forest
tasting a coffee(tea)
covered by a warm blanket
and waiting for loved persons to wake up from sleep "
how I wish to be in their place
I'm tired of the city
city that never sleeps
noise of cars
big buildings
I'm lucky that I live in a quiet part of the city
not so quiet, but ...anyway
early morning
and silence
it's so perfect.