Le talk to the moustache
So hello,darlings
'Where should one use perfume?' a young woman asked. 'Wherever one wants to be kissed,' I said.
Coco Chanel
I just want to wish you a happy international kissing day.
May you have a lot of beautiful,amazing,romantic,passionate,ingenious kisses
Have fun and enjoy life loving someone... :)
Don't forget to give a hug to your lovers!
A little bit of history:
The idea behind the International Kissing Day is that many people may have forgotten the simple pleasures associated with kissing for kissing's sake, as opposed to kissing as mere social formality or prelude to other activities. Kissing can be an enjoyable experience in and of itself. It is an expression and experience of intimacy. International Kissing Day is not as commercialized as Valentine's Day.
More useful information of different tips of kiss you can find here:

Le talk to the moustache
Coco Chanel..
A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.
Don't spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.
Elegance does not consist in putting on a new dress.
Fashion is always of the time in which you live. It
is not something standing alone. But the grand problem, the most
important problem, is to rejeuvenate women. To make women look young.
Then their outlook changes. They feel more joyous.
I am not young but I feel young. The day I feel old, I will go to bed and stay there. J'aime la vie! I feel that to live is a wonderful thing.
I don't know why women want any of the things men have when one the things that women have is men.
Fashion designer Coco Chanel, born August 19, 1883, in Saumur, France,
is famous for her timeless designs, trademark suits, and little black
dresses. Chanel was raised in an orphanages and taught to sew. She had a
brief career as a singer before opening her first clothes shop in 1910.
In the 1920s, she launched her first perfume and introduced the Chanel
suit and the little black dress.Fashion designer. Born on August 19, 1883, in Saumur, France. With
her trademark suits and little black dresses, Coco Chanel created
timeless designs that are still popular today. She herself became a much
revered style icon known for her simple yet sophisticated outfits
paired with great accessories, such as several strands of pearls. As
Chanel once said,“luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not
Her early years, however, were anything but glamorous. After her
mother’s death, Chanel was put in an orphanage by her father who worked
as a peddler. She was raised by nuns who taught her how to sew—a skill
that would lead to her life’s work. Her nickname came from another
occupation entirely. During her brief career as a singer, Chanel
performed in clubs in Vichy and Moulins where she was called “Coco.”
Some say that the name comes from one of the songs she used to sing, and
Chanel herself said that it was a “shortened version of cocotte, the
French word for ‘kept woman,” according to an article in The Atlantic.
Around the age of 20, Chanel became involved with Etienne Balsan who
offered to help her start a millinery business in Paris. She soon left
him for one of his even wealthier friends, Arthur “Boy” Capel. Both men
were instrumental in Chanel’s first fashion venture.
Opening her first shop on Paris’s Rue Cambon in 1910, Chanel started
out selling hats. She later added stores in Deauville and Biarritz and
began making clothes. Her first taste of clothing success came from a
dress she fashioned out of an old jersey on a chilly day. In response to
the many people who asked about where she got the dress, she offered to
make one for them. “My fortune is built on that old jersey that I’d put
on because it was cold in Deauville,” she once told author Paul Morand...
However we can't imagine the world of fashion without Coco Chanel.She is an idol,she was just a simple woman which had created a really powerful empire...
Let me show you some of collections directed by Karl Lagerfeld.

Le talk to the moustache
Deci ,astăzi am
decis să scriu un articol în limba noastră mult “apreciată”,romana.
Şi de ce oare?
Poate nostalgia e de vină sau probabil arşiţa care umple
mintea cu substanţe mai mult decît halucinante şi uneori chiar te face să
meditezi…să analizezi…să apreciezi.Oare chiar să apreciezi timpul şi trecerea lui?
Sau este de ajuns să priveşti buticurile vintage şi să-ţi spui:Da,îmi
place,aş vrea să port,aş vrea să mă comport astfel…Deschizi dulapul bunicii , observi o
rochiţă cu buline,ai cărei siluetă probabil a fost închisă de după uşile dulapului
prăfuit,dar are ceva în ea,un farmec ascuns,pe care îl poţi resimţi în
fotografii,cuvinte şi iarăşi revin la nostalgie...Poate atît de bine a fost încrustat în ţesătură parfumul
bunicii..hmm…trandafir…Sau poate acea rochie păstrează amintirea primei
întilniri cu bunicul? Sau mai acoperă notele acelei piese..un ecou al
anilor 60’.
Ce sunt anii cînd
minutele sunt doar nişte prizoniere ale unui ceasornic?
Vă invit să revenim la fine,unde au fost puse bazele acelui
mare ceasornic necontenit,al cărui amprente le putem observa şi astăzi,atît în
modă,comportament şi prin urmare,stil.
Anii 20’-30’.
Se resimte răsăritul
sicilian,burlesque-ul şi apusul unor străzi ale New York-ului.Chanel domneşte
în Paris,modei i-a revenit o cotitură impresionantă,jazzul pune stapînire peste
lume.Atunci îşi vor face apariţia şi primele sensaţii…
Louise Brooks
Brooks a fost prima femeie care a adoptat tunsoarea bob cu breton. Tot ea a
fost promotoarea look-ului de vampa, fiind o actriţa care nu s-a temut să
folosească machiajul pentru a fi mult mai expresivă cu atît mai mult cu cît
juca in filme alb-negru mute. Se spune ca o imagine face mai mult decît 1000 de
cuvinte, iar Louise, cu tenul alb, ochi conturaţi puternic si trăsături
dramatice, a reuşit sa găsească exact “ingredietele” necesare unei actriţe de
succes pentru cinematografia din acea perioadă. Dacă ar fi sa fac o comparaţie
atunci, Louise Brooks, ar fi o Madonna a anilor `20, rebelă, cu iniţiativă care
s-a impus în modă tocmai pentru că a ieşit din tipar si a dărîmat regulile
existente pînă atunci..
Greta Garbo
Actrita si model, Greta Garbo s-a aflat la polul opus fata
de Louis Brooks. Ea a adoptat o cu totul alta atitudine, mult mai feminina,
misterioasă si delicată. Dacă Louise Brooks a reuşit să se impună prin
expresivitate, Greta Garbo a făcut-o nu doar cu ajutorul trasaturilor frumoase
si a feminitaţii sale ci şi cu ajutorul vocii. Ea a reuşit să se faca remarcată
în filmele vorbite datorită timbrului ei vocal seducător.
Iar despre Coco Chanel voi avea un articol aparte ;)
Amprentele anilor 20’ le putem observa atît în creaţiile
Alberto Ferretti,care s-a propiat cel mai mult de idealul rochiei charlestone,plină
de franjuri,etc. Elie Saab nu a folosit
doar franjurii ci şi volanele supradimensionate care te duc cu gîndul la moda
acelor ani.
un singur cuvînt ce caracterizează această perioadă :l'élégance…
Anii '40 aduc cu ei o schimbare majoră în moda feminină
pentru că se trece de la eleganţă în orice ocazie la ţinute mai comode, mai
puţin pretenţioase si care anticipează pentru întîia oară emanciparea ulterioară
a femeii. Mînecile bufante din dreptul părţilor superioare
ale braţelor sunt acum înlocuite cu celebrele "pernuţe pentru umeri",
lungimea rochiilor se scurtează pînă la jumătatea gambelor, iar talia nu se mai
subliniază decît printr-un cordon subtil.
Anii '50
Umerii goi, şoldurile scoase în evidenţă şi taliile "de
viespe" au reprezentat pentru perioada respectivă adevarate must
have-uri. Fustele largi si vaporoase care se opreau imediat sub genunchi şi
curelele late din talie erau la mare cautare…Da şi atunci şi-a făcut apariţia
Marilyn Monroe,un idol şi pînă astăzi.
Anii '60 sunt considerati a fi începutul "revoluţiei" modei
feminine pentru ca ţinutele încep să fie tot mai simple, apropiindu-se de imaginea
femeii moderne, de carieră.Apar, deci, fustele conice pînă la genunchi sau
chiar mai sus, jachetele uţor cambrate si trenciurile cadrilate făcute celebre
de soţia fostului preşedinte american John F. Kennedy, Jacqueline Onassis.
Contrastele cromatice gen alb-negru, roşu-negru sau galben-albastru erau şi ele
în mare vogă.
An inspiration :
Nicole :)

Le talk to the moustache
Hello there,guys sorry for my nothing posting,but I've got my exams period so I'll really appreciate if you will wait 2 weeks until my escape :).So at this time you're able just to watch the..
Stella McCartney's Spring Summer 2012 Full Fashion Show
Le talk to the moustache
Freedom Zone in our life
So hello,yesterday I was attending at a special Guetta event,that took place in our country.You know,people don't even imagine how Guetta can be in real life,so now they're able to support NRG in bringing Armin van Buuren,maybe..Who knows? I'm not such a good specialist in trance or maybe house music.I simply like to listen just good music,doesn't matter dubstep,or trance.Only one I can say: the light's effects was amazing and I had never seen so many people conected between them just in one place,and the best God that ruled the whole party all night: the "DJ nr.1"(I don't think so),Guetta.I was suprised only with the local outfits,so how girls imagined they can dance with high heels in open air?
As a conclusion,it was nice,but not super,I'm still waiting for a)Armin van Burren,b)Dash Berlin with Emma Hewitt,c)Skrillex.)
Le talk to the moustache
Hello there! So I've decided to present you some of my dress design.You can buy its only on http://www.unitedstyles.com/en_usd
a)This fun fitted top with an empire waist flares out under the bust and hits at the hip.Tip:Wear it with your favorite mini skirt or skinny jeans for maximum impact...It breathes like cotton,stretches a tiny bit and drapes beautifully.
b)Edgie viscose jersey shirt dress is versatile enough to wear during the day or at night.Fitted top and mid-tigh length make this style simply seductive.Finished with cool metal buttons.Pair with tights or leggings for the perfect look.
c)Comfy,flattering,and sexy,this maxi dress can be worn during the day or at night.Perfect for summer but the options can be adjusted to suit those colder months.Whichever option you can choose,this one is certain to turn heads.Pair it with flats for a more casual look or wedges to class it up.
Copyright (C) 2012 unitedstyles All rights reserved.

Le talk to the moustache
An amazing interview with Donatella Versace
Le moustache: Hello,we're glad to see you on our interview at our magazine.I soupouse fashion was a part of your life in childhood,isn't true?
D.V: I have to say,I grew up with fashion because of my mother which was a semstress and she had an atelier.So I grew up in an atelier,watching people all around me sewing.I was fascinated.When my mother did fittings for her clients,I was hidding,looking at these beautiful ladyes try on these fantastic clothes.I was dreaming as a small child to try these clothes on myself.My brother Gianni was almost 10 years older than I,but he was inlove with fashion
L.M: It's so interesting for me to learn about your childhood,your family,your hobbies.How many brothers and sisters ar there,in total?
D.V: There was three of us: me,Gianni,and one brother,two years older than Gianni.He's still allive,of course.
L.M: From the age of 11 until now,you've seen a lot of clothes,owned a lot of clothes and made a lot of clothes.Is there one piece that you particulary cherish? Maybe something that Gianni gave you?
D.V: When Gianni started to do metal-mesh for his collection,the first metal-mesh piece he did for me.He did a really long,black metal-mess dress which was Swarovski dress.I keep all og Gianni's clothes in the archive,but the particular piece I keep at my house.
L.M: What do you think this era will be remembered for? If someone were to look back 20 years from now and,say,put on something from to early 20 century,what would that be?
D.V: That's very difficult to say.I think our era will be defined more when it's over.We kept changing...I personally think has come to define these years up until 2009 in fabrics.Technology and fabrics...
L.M: So what was your inspiration for Fall'11 collection?
D.V: I was inspired by a combination of metallics in theard and wool and cashmere-all done in metallic fibres.Also we did strong colours,big trench with very femenine dresses underneath.It was a strong,sophisticated woman.
L.M: I'm pretty amazed by your style.It's an instinct for every woman to buy dress,something beautiful like yours.
D.V: Thank you,I think so.
L.M: There are no breaks,no off seasons,there's none of that for you.How do you keep all of this going without affecting your personal,family life? Because I knew family is the most important thing for you...
D.V: My family is the most important.I'm italian woman,so you know..I think it was harder when my children were little.But I try to spend a lot of my time with them.It's very difficult to be two different people in one.
L.M: Do you like to cook?
D.V: No.I'm italian,but I'm not that italian.I don't cook,no!
L.M: But what kind of meals do you prefer?
D.V: I like to eat all,definetly.I love setting around a table with my friends.I think,probably my favourite is mexican meals.
L.M: What kind of hobby prefer your children?
D.V: My son,Daniel is in a rock band called Nucleus.He plays the guitar.My daughter likes to paint.
L.M: Ok,thank you very much for accepting our invitation to this interview.
D.V: Ok,with pleasure.I'll be always happy to dedicate my free time for you.

Le talk to the moustache
1) Alexander McQueen
The Gothic sensibility of a Brothers Grimm fairytale is closer in spirit to Alexander McQueen's clothing - than the fetish, gore and misogyny he's been accused of promoting. However dark McQueen's design, it still achieves a femininity that has seduced everyone from Bjork to the Duchess of Westminster.McQueen's rise to power is a fashion fairytale all of its own.
The East End taxi driver's son, born in 1969, is apprenticed to the
Prince of Wales' tailor Anderson & Sheppard on Savile Row where he
infamously scrawls obscenities into the linings of HRH's suits. He works
with Romeo Gigli, theatrical costumers Angels & Bermans and Koji
Tatsuno before Central Saint Martins MA course director Bobby Hilson
suggests he enrol.
2) Paul Smith
A serious accident while riding his bike put paid to Paul Smith's
dream of becoming a professional racing-cyclist. However, this mishap
propelled him to pursue a career involving his other passion: fashion.
In 1970, Smith (born Nottingham, 1946) opened a store in his
native city, selling his own early designs that reflected the types of
clothing he loved but was unable to buy anywhere else. Studying fashion
design at evening classes, and working closely with his wife, Pauline
Denyer, a graduate of the Royal College of Art, by 1976 lie was showing a
full range of menswear in Paris.
3)John Galliano
John Galliano is one of Britain's fashion heroes. Born in 1960 to a working class Gibraltan family, Galliano
lived on the island until leaving at the age of six for south London.
But it was the young Juan Carlos Antonio's early life, with its
religious ceremonies and sun-drenched culture, which has proved a
constant inspiration for Galliano's stylistic eclecticism wedded to the Latin tradition of 'dressing-up' has become his signature.Having attended Wilson's Grammar School for boys, Galliano
won a place at Saint Martins college, graduating in 1984. And it was
that graduation collection - inspired by the French Revolution and
titled 'Les Incroyables' - that was bought by Joan Burstein of Browns,
catapulting the young designer into the spotlight.
3) Christopher Bailey
Yorkshire-born Christopher Bailey has become something- of a household
name, thanks to his sterling work as creative director of Burberry,
the British company he joined back in 2001. Yet Bailey (born 1971) is
far from an overnight sensation, having previously notched up impressive
fashion credentials. On completing a Master's degree at the Royal
College of Art in London (1994), Bailey worked in New York for Donna Karan from 1994 to 1996, before being hired by Tom Ford as a senior designer of womenswear at Gucci in Milan, from 1996 to 2001.
4) Stellla McCartney
Stella McCartney's stratospheric success story has only a little
to do with her fabulous connections. Born in 1971, she graduated from
Central Saint Martins in 1995. Her final year collection was snapped up
by the biggest names in retail (including Browns and Bergdorf Goodman)
and a mere two years later her sharp-tailoring talents landed her the
top job as creative director at Chloe.Trouser suits, vintage-inspired dresses and jet-setting holidaywear are trademark Stella-style.
Her designs are often also possessed of that rarity in the fashion
world, an exuberant sense of humour (folk went bananas over her fruity
vests and knickers).
4)John Richmond
'Destroy, Disorientate, Disorder' and Debenhams, the British department store: John Richmond
is equal parts raring-to-rock and ready-to-wear. The music-loving'
Mancunian has a singular talent for reconciling anarchic punk aesthetics
with elegant tailoring. Born in 1961, Richmond graduated from Kingston Polytechnic in 1983 and worked as a freelance designer for Emporio Armani, Fiorucci and Joseph Tricot before forming his first label, Richmond-Cornejo, a collaboration with designer Maria Cornejo, in 1984.
P.S: http://www.vogue.com/voguepedia/Main_Page

Le talk to the moustache
So darlings,You've heard something about my old blog N&N stylle..I decided to delete it and to create something more interesting and atractive for you all.That's would probably be a great reflection of me.I consider myself an "exuberant" fan of beauty,as you know you can find it everywhere.Beauty is in the street,it have to do with ideas and human's mind.
Today I'd like to talk about a branch of beauty:love.
I was told by a great friend of mine that love is not something immaterial,it’s like a big crystal ball that save us and tell us everytime how beautiful life can be.I associate love with summer nights full of stars and magic.I had never been inlove so I want so much to rotate this ball into my hands,to show me how colourful and sparkle are every summer nights.You know,moon and gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love. There is no surprise more magical than the surprise of being loved under the galaxy’s miracle.Sometimes it seems to me,Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense.At the same time it represent a symbol,a beautiful symbol of eternity.It wipes our sense of time…A art of persistence,that I shall probably learn.Everytime we want to find someone who will love us for no reason. Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own...
So what designer had approached the exquisite meaning of love?
In my opinion,definetly Dior.The 2012 spring/summer haute couture has showed us what kind of elegance create a reflexion of romantism in fashion... so I wonder if you'll tell me who is your favourite designer and who approached in a better way this theme(of love)?