In putine cuvinte si mai multe imagini am sa descriu experienta de la libraria Carturesti de pe Lipscani. Un loc placut in care orice altceva mi-a atras atentia mai mult decat cartile expuse, aveam senzatia ca ma aflu mai degraba la expozitie sau muzeu. M-am invartit mult in spatiul generos si mai degraba am ales un suvenir: o ceasca cu desen in forma de spirala :). Nu am fost surprins cand un turist la fel de invartit ca si mine a intrebat in engleza: nu aveti ciocolata romaneasca ?
Liviu Stefan Dumitru fotoblogEvenimente si reportaje |
Mi-e drag sa fotografiez Bucurestiul, formele si culorile din jur ma provoaca la fiecare pas sa le admir apoi sa pun telefonul la treaba sa mai trag un cadru. Este un oras eclectic si chiar daca unii se concentreaza pe aspectele neplacute, poti privi frumosul si interesantul din jur. Cliseul de oras naspa poate fi depasit prin fotografie, asta doresc sa arate si cadrele de mai jos:
Acest text este înscris în concursul TFB10 – #tenDubai – un eveniment organizat de Foto Unionpowered by Prestige Tours, cu sprijinul Canon și Calif.
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View this post on InstagramA post shared by Liviu Dumitru (Fotograf) (
View this post on InstagramA post shared by Liviu Dumitru (Fotograf) (
View this post on InstagramA post shared by Liviu Dumitru (Fotograf) (
Anul acesta am avut parte de o experienta deosebita in Muntii Sureanu. Am participat la un workshop de fotoreportaj organizat de Liga Studentilor din Timisoara la Manastirea Tet de langa Sugag. Lector si ghid a fost Mihai Moiceanu. Schitul Tetu se află la o distanţă de 60 km de Sebeş, pe cursul văii Sebes-Sugag-Tău-Miraj. La răsărit se află cătunele Smid, Ivănis, Jidostină, la apus – stâna Tomnatic-Curmătură, la miazăzi – Vârful Gotul şi Vârful Petru iar la miazănoapte stâna Măgura şi Vârful Tetu. Asezat într-o poiană foarte frumoasă, inconjurată de păduri de brazi peisajul te fascineaza din prima clipa. Semnal Gsm nu prea exista nici nu l-am cautat iar asta a facut ca experienta sa fie una si mai placuta pentru mine.
Fiind un workshop de fotoreportaj am cautat provocarea unei singure focale: 50 mm, astfel am ajuns insotit de o singura lentila de 50 cu diafragma 1.4. Obiectivul l-am folosit si pentru cateva peisaje pentru ca alaturi de Mihai Moiceanu imi pare ca ajungi fara sa vrei sa abordezi acest gen si ajungi acasa cu cel putin un cadru memorabil.
Dupa prima zi am vizitat locurile disponibile unde urma sa fotografiem Eu am ales doua stani „Tomnatec” si „Magura” aflate la 40 de minute mers pe jos una de alta. Le-am ales pentru ca imi palc oamenii iar acestea erau cele mai populate. In plus la Tomantec imi placea fumul din interior iar la Magura cei sase copii pe care i-am indragit foarte mult. Inca de la inceput am observat viata simpla pe care o au cei de la stana: nu au curent electric, televizor, internet, gatesc la foc. Nu se plictisesc pentru ca activitatea de la stana le ofera putin timp liber.
Peste o săptămână după duminica Paştelor, în prima zi de luni o parte din creştinii ortodocşi obişnuiesc să sărbătorească Paştele Blajinilor. Această sărbătoare mai este numită şi Prohoadele, Paştele Morţilor sau Lunea Morţilor.
(text: ziarul Timpul –
Consecration of Orthodox Cathedral „Saint Peter and Paul” from Mioveni, Arges County, Romania
Sfintirea Catedralei Sfintii Petru si Pavel din Mioveni, Arges
Bucharest Biennale 5: Tactics For The Here And Now
Press conference at Intercontinental Hotel, announcing the opening of BUCHAREST BIENNALE 5
Opening party in Control Club, featuring a live concert of Chinawoman.
Concert of the Canadian band Chinawoman:
Moldova has held three parliamentary elections in the past three years because the country’s largest party, who has 58 seats in the 101-seat legislature, could not muster a simple majority to choose one. On Friday, March 16, 2012 Moldova’s Parliament elected NicolaeTimofti an independent judge with 62 votes, four of those from independent lawmakers.
„Moldova needs a national idea which is supported by the majority of the population and which can unite Moldova’s divided society. This idea should be European integration,” said NicolaeTimofti
Ten kilometres to the southeast of Orhei city lies Orheiul Vechi (Old Orhei; marked on maps as the village of Trebujeni), arguably Moldova’s most fantastic sight. It is definitely one of the most popular places among tourists. Orheiul Vechi Monastery Complex, carved into a massive limestone cliff in this wild, rocky, remote spot, draws visitors from around the globe. The Cave Monastery (Mănăstire în Peşteră), inside a cliff overlooking the gently meandering „Răut River”, was dug by Orthodox monks in the 13th century. It remained inhabited until the 18th century, and in 1996 a handful of monks returned to this secluded place of worship and are slowly restoring it.
You can enter the cave via an entrance on the cliff’s plateau. Shorts are forbidden and women must cover their heads inside the monastery. A small, highly atmospheric chapel inside acts as the church for three neighbouring villages, as it did in the 13th century. You can visit the area where up to 13 monks lived for decades at a time, sleeping on pure bedrock, each occupying a tiny stone bunk that opens into a central corridor. This leads to a stone terrace, from where views of the entire cliff and surrounding plains are breathtaking. The cliff face is dotted with what seem to be holes; most of these are other caves and places of worship dug over the millennia, as this region was a place of worship for Geto-Dacian tribes from before Christ’s time. In all, the huge cliff has six complexes of interlocking caves, most of which are accessible only by experienced rock climbers and many of which are out-of-bounds for tourists.
In the 18th century the cave-church was taken over by villagers from neighbouring Butuceni. In 1905 they built a church above ground dedicated to the Ascension of St Mary. The church was shut down by the Soviets in 1944 and remained abandoned throughout the communist regime. Services resumed in 1996, though it still looks abandoned. Archaeologists have uncovered remnants of a defence wall surrounding the monastery complex from the 15th century.