no, you don’t understand.
everytime you leave,
the door closes to the endless emptiness
in this room.
wash the salty traces left on your skin by this ocean of lonliness.
and when you’re not here –
you don’t carry the bitter taste
inside your mounth, do you?
no, you don’t understand.
everytime you leave, it is not a good bye.
it’s an untamable wildling.
(this ain’t meant to be a sad poem
but even the sun was sad today,
even the bubbles in the sparkling water
were sad)
no, you don’t understand.
it’s not enough, never enogh.
i can’t stand tall –
my heart is already heavier than my entire body
and the ground is always shifting under my feet
and also sinking, somewhat.
maybe you know what metal has the highest density
on planet Earth (with this bright mind of yours),
because I don’t.
no, you don’t understand.
my everything is nothing –
nothing to cling to, nothing to grasp.