Meteorite Collision simulationWhat happens when meteorite collide with each other? We tried to find the answers: Simulation Experiment. We presumed that the collision happened with the earth in order for lucid distance and location.The story of the Earth of 4.6 billion years.
Google Testing Pay-Per-Sale AdSense?
David Jackson of SeekingAlpha reports that Google is inviting a selected group of AdSense webmasters to test out new â??Cost-Per-Actionâ?? (CPA) ads. Quote SeekingAlphaâ??s reprint of Googleâ??s mail...read more | digg story
Eurovision 2006 Song Contest predicted by Google
I like Eurovision and I think are most watched song contest in the Europe. Few days ago got an idea to predict results by googling them.read more | digg story
Gmail alert about Google blog hacked.
Seams few hours ago google blog was hacked. The fun part are that gmail alerted me.read more | digg story
YouOS - the web (based) operating system
YouOS is a snazzy new javascript-based operating system that is unlike many of the web "desktops" you currently see. Instead of just cobbling together some draggable windows, this seems to be a serious effort to create a javascript OS that contains both back end and front end functionality. The tutorials and IDE are particulary interesting!read more | digg story
Integrate Web 2.0 Ajax Apps and Digg into Windows
NetJaxer integrates Web 2.0 applications like Gmail, TadaList, Digg, Writely, Kiko, Meebo, financial sites, and other Ajax based Web programs into Windows. Creates desktop, tray, and quick launch icons. Apps can be used from the NextJaxer browser.read more | digg story
Integrate Digg into Google Toolbar V4
Add digg as custom button into Google toolbar Version 4It's allow easy to open, search and see rss feed directly from web browser.read more | digg story