Chişinău street styleChisiau Street Style este un blog public, un proiect-hobby de doua fete din Chisinau, care incearca sa promoveze si sa monitorizeze dezvoltarea modei de strada din Chisinau, Moldova. |
Classic Never Falls Out of Fashion
Couple in Central Park
Sometimes we think how do people manage to stay young? It's not only about plastic surgery or items they use that help them deal with the burden of years passing by. Some people manage to stay young no matter the way they look, as they age.
We found this couple holding hands in the park, enjoying one lovely summer day and we couldn't just pass by without taking a picture of them. The b&w effect might seem overrated but this is how we saw them - classy and romantic, with a vintage twist.
Coral Summer
Student, 16
We were glad to see a splash of color when strolling a hot summer afternoon. This girl has a passion for coral colors, and says she likes to wear colorful clothes during the summer, that make her stand out from the crowd. The flower accessory in her hair made the outfit perfect for a chic - relaxed summer night.
And yes we are back to keep you updated with the latest outfits to be found on the streets of Chisinau. Yay!
Spring, Flowers and Birthdays
Happy Spring dear readers!We are back and we are ready to keep it up with the blog. These photos were taken on a sunny, beautiful day and we have decided to include the flowers in all of them just to emphasize the beauty of spring and style of course.
Elena, 24Elena has a great taste in mixing colors, textures and shapes. Having traveled to Africa and Middle East- she can impress with her effortless ability in choosing accessories that remind me somehow of the countries she has traveled to.
Amazing Adventures Ahead
* Copyright to: Dear friends, May this year bring you great moments and new beginnings. The good news is that Santa was generous with us this year and brought us inspiration for new posts that we will definitely share with your guys! Amazing adventures await for us in 2012! Let the fun begin!
At Dusk
Dorin and Maria
We met Dorin and Maria while strolling the streets of Chisinau at dusk. We loved their style and they somehow matched so well that we've decided to take a picture of both of them.
Maria said that her lovely dress was skilfully tailored by her mom and that she is one of the persons that inspires her most of all.
Stripe Mania
Cristian, 19
"I find myself a romantic person. I'm a terrible tumblr-ist and a vintage style lover, these are actually my favourite sources of inspiration." Cristian also loves photography, and from time to time likes to take pictures himself, he told us, adding proudly he has a blog "of love and with love".
Go Delicate
And here we go again, in the summery Chisinau, bathed in hot weather and cool evening breezes. We can say this city has changed a little a bit from the last summer, but that would be only a humble finding of our own, after missing it for far too many months.
Anyway, we are so glad we are back, and we would be so much more glad to have the time for taking strolls around city center, looking for beautiful people with inspiring style. Somehow, we decide to do it, because it is so worth it.
Cristina, 17
It's the same way we found this little nice lady, strolling lazily before twilight and took some pictures of her in the to be seen above romantic sunlight.
She Wears The Pants
We are glad to be back thanks to the people that decided to send their own pictures and we admire them for that (:
Sanda Cojocaru, blogger
"I love retro, bold colours and funky details." Sanda has a blog that you can check out here.The clothes she chose to wear are all really trendy for this season - bold colors, high-waist pants and polka dots.
Thank you for your contribution Sanda:)
Yard Sale Anniversary - it's all about accessorizing
So yesterday Yardsale celebrated it's first anniversary. It's been a year since it started organizing events where handmade bijoux and other fun stuff are sold. It is also popular because of the great people and the atmosphere there. It's the place where you can relax and have a drink, enjoying some music with your friends.
Well enough about that. We weren't there again, and we really feel sorry for that, but there are some photos that you can check out to get a better understanding.
These are some accessories to be noticed at this Yardsale. We think these are pretty fun and stylish:
Photo credit: Nata Moraru
Chisinau Streets Contributors Call Out
Dear readers,
As you have probably noticed there is not much activity on our blog lately unfortunately. We are still looking for collaborators to work with. It is a pity to let this project die out and just do nothing about this.
We need your help to keep it alive. Drop an e-mail to if you are interested and we can talk about the details.
Your help will be really appreciated by us and by all our readers of course!
Dragă cititori și prieteni,
Precum ați observat recent, blogul nostru suferă de o acută inactivitate. Din cauza anumitor factori, el nu mai poate fi continuat permanent de noi și de aceea avem nevoie de ajutorul vostru.
Dacă sunteți interesat sa deveniți un colaborator Chisinaustreets, trimiteți-ne o notificare pe, după care putem discuta detalii sau alte informații.
Așteptăm scrisorile voastre.
Chisinaustreets team.
Yard Sale #8 (Bird Market)
Photo Credit: Svetlana Costiuc
Ah, what can be more wonderful than spring after a cold snowy winter? The awakening of Mother Nature, birds singing and all that? Well Yard Sale decided to celebrate spring in a more creative way with lots of cool stuff that you could see and buy, fun time and cool people.
Here are some photos so that you can see it yourself!
Photo credit: Lucia Lupu
Buzz, 19 & Costea, 20
Buzz is a dubstep/drum&bass DJ and Costea's hobby is fine arts and graffiti.
It is always interesting to notice looks and tendencies representing an age. Just like these guys downtown, I don't think we could have a better representation of Chisinau young fellas.
Smells Like Spring Spirit
Photo Credit: Lucia Lupu
Victoria 20, Ilie 21 - students
Aceşti doi tineri frumoşi mi-au prins privirile de la un cartier departare. Stilul casual li se potriveşte, oferindu-le comfortul perfect pentru o plimbare in doi prin oraş. Piesa forte a Victoriei este geanta in stil vintage, stil care câştiga tot mai mult teren în garderoba multor tineri.
These two lovely youngsters have nicely selected their casual outfits - perfect for an afternoon stroll. Notice Victoria's bag - a cute vintage item that you can now easily spot in the wardrobe of any stylish person.
Seems like spring is in the air in lovely Chisinau!
Goodbye Copenhagen Street Style....
We've recently found out that one of our favorite blogs decided to close:(
After some mourning we've decided to let you guys know that as well so that you could mourn with us. Along with other great street style blogs, Copenhagen Street Style has been inspiring us with awesome selections and we want to thank them for that.
We will truly miss them but the good news is that the founders of CSS are ready to surprise us with other good projects like Søren Jepsen's new blog for instance, called The Locals - "a street style blog portraying the fashion on the streets of Copenhagen and the rest of the world" sooo we can't wait to see more of that!
Great job guys and keep on blrocking!
Photo credit: Lucia Lupu
Ana, 18
And just when we thought it's getting warmer outside, there comes Ana with her trance driving, raw and deep blue leggings, to remind us, just in case we forgot, that spring is not coming yet. Just in case.
Found myself so in love with the leggings' colour, so seasonal and yet charming.
By the way, her petite robe noire is handmade.
From Under The Mistletoe
During winter holidays dowtown Chisinau looks like a fairy tale. It is full of magic lights and smiling people and all of that in combination with the snow looks just magical.
Dear followers and visitors, we are very pleased to know you were there for us from the beggining, watching, criticizing, reading and liking our posts, it really meant a lot. 2010 has been an interesting year for us and our blog and we expect you here during 2011 as well and why not 2012! ( and till the end of the world eventually:))), as all that matters to us is your feedback and your attention.
May you all have a beautiful 2011, full of nice surprises and achievements. Aaaand don't forget about style- it's eternal!
Go green, save the Earth
Photo credit to: Lucia Lupu
Daniela si Nadea
Pe lângă faptul că arată bine, Nadea şi Daniela sunt fondatorii celui mai mare proiect socio-ecologic din ţara noastră ce se numeşte "Hai, Moldova!". Acest proiect are scopul de a recruta un număr uriaş de voluntari care ulterior vor curăţa Moldova de deşeuri într-o singură zi!
"Aşteptăm şi implicarea voastră!"
Besides the fact that Nadea and Daniela look so fine and have such nice style, the girls are also the creators of the biggest socio-environmental project of Moldova, called "Hai Moldova!".
Hai Moldova websiteFacebook Page
Perfect Combination
Photo credit to: Lucia Lupu
Paula, 17"Nu ma prea inspir de la altii, nui genul meu.Un pic shoes-addicted, un pic crazy, un pic vreau sa par om serios, pare combinatia perfecta. :))"
Paula said she's not inspired by other people or their style. It seems that the perfect combination that works for her is: a bit shoes- addicted, a tiny bit crazy, a bit too serious for her age.
We like that, how'bout you?!
From the archives: Summer Flashbacks pt. II
So we're back with more fresh posts from summer, as we all long for it right now! We think this selection is absolutely great with some retro touches, stripes, prints and well see it for yourself:)
We would like to thank our new collaborator Lucia Lupu, for these photos and give her a warm welcome to Chisinau Street Style. Keep rockin' girl!