Burdujan Radu

Burdujan RaduBurdujan Radu

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Verbele show, demonstrate, display, exhibit, reveal
Verbele to show (showed, shown), to demonstrate (ed), to display (ed), to exhibit (ed), to reveal (ed) în traducere înseamnă a arăta, a demonstra. Verbul to show – „a arăta” – are sensul cel mai general dintre toate: to show a new videocamera – a arăta o cameră video nouă, Will you show me the […]
Study Point: 02 August, 2010
Proverb: Charity begins at home. = a person´s first obligation should be to help the member of his own family before he can begin thinking of talking about helping others. = cămaşa e mai aproape decât haina = drag mi-e de tine dar de mine mi se rupe inima = mai aproape dinţii decât părinţii […]

Slang: chick = a young woman, particularly an attractive young one; = amică, femeiuşcă, puştoaica, gagică Proverb: One good turn deserves another. = you help someone – they help you. = după faptă şi răsplată, = bine cu bine se răsplăteşte, = serviciu contra serviciu Quote: Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what […]
Study Point #18.07.2010
Slang: wicked = very good, excellent, cool = foarte bun, excelent Proverb: A fool and his money are soon parted. = a wise man has money because he´s careful. = banii nu fac casă bună cu nebunii Word of the Day: mugging • assault with intent to rob • jaf Idiom: have a hold of […]
Verbele to wait, to expect, to anticipate
Verbele to wait (ed), to expect (ed), to anticipate (ed) se traduc a aștepta, dar au și nuanțe de sens. Verbul to wait înseamnă a aștepta o perioadă anumită sau până la un moment dat. După acest verb deobicei se folosește prepoziția for: We waited to see what would happen. Am așteptat să vedem ce […]
Study Point #12.07.2010
Slang: sitting duck = an easy target = pradă uşoară = vânat uşor Proverb: Grass doesn´t grow on a racetrack. = pe cararea bătută nu crește iarba. Quote: This one step – choosing a goal and staying to it – changes everything. Acest pas – alegerea unui țel și hotărârea de a nu-l schimba – […]
Study Point #04.07.2010
Slang: Girl Friday = a female assistant who has a range of duties = secretară principală Proverb: Don´t cry over spilt milk. = that problem is past – move on = lacrimile nu ajută = ce-a fost, a fost = cu plânsul nu se învie morţii Quote: A dream you dream alone is only a […]
Verbele to catch, to snatch, to seize, to grab
Verbele to catch (caught, caught), to snatch (ed), to seize (ed), to grab (ed) se traduc a prinde, a apuca, dar au și nuanțe de sens. to catch înseamnă a prinde ceva: to catch a ball – a prinde mingea to catch fish – a prinde pește A drowning man catches at a straw. Omul […]
Study Point #27.06.2010
Slang: swot = slang term for a student who studies excessively = tocilar Proverb: The best things in life are free. = We don´t have to pay for the things that are really valuable, like love, friendship, good health etc. = Cele mai bune lucruri în viață sunt gratuite. Quote: Ones best success comes after […]
Study Point #20.06.2010
Slang: mug = the human face, grimace = grimasă, strâmbătură, moacă, mutră Proverb: Don´t cast pearls before swine. = fools won´t appreciate value. = nu arunca mărgăritare înaintea porcilor Quote: In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure. Ca să ai succes, dorința ta de a avea […]

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