John Roshka Photography Blog

John Roshka Photography BlogJohn Roshka Photography Blog

Fotografii, proiecte fotografice, fotojournalism, documentare. Freelance Photographer, Photography about Moldova : nature, landscapes, people, documentary.
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A moment in Tunisia / Project update and what I read
It is very hard to write on a blog about photography, especially when everything you feel you want to write is already written on other blogs. I mean, that my ideas and my feelings about a particular issue can be very well described on Blake Andrews blog, Joerg Colberg’s blog on LPV Magazine digests and […]
A Moment in Tunisia / Project Update and some words on style
For me photography is becoming more and more subjective…and I think because its rules are drawn by us, humans…we make the rules for it, for everything actually. A photograph must please the eye or put questions and one can’t do that in an infinite number of ways…or styles. Every major photographer has his/her style. But […]
A Moment in Tunisia / Project Update
Garage door and arch, Nabeul, Tunisia, 2012 / from Views without People  These kind of images give me a real aesthetic pleasure. I like to fill the frame with forms and compositional lines. They are simple views that tend to organize space through balance. I am at the beginning of exploring this kind of photography, […]
Views without People, Untitled #5, Lonely house, Nabeul, Tunisia, 2012
Untitled #5, Lonely house, Nabeul, Tunisia, 2012 A MOMENT IN TUNISIA/Views without People In 2012 I traveled to Tunisia. I stayed there 8 days so I haven’t documented any serious project. I was there as a tourist and the images I captured represent an unintentional, unplanned reflection of my feelings and mood at that very […]
A Moment in Tunisia / Moments #5
Untitled #5, A MOMENT IN TUNISIA/Moments, Nabeul, Tunisia, 2012 In 2012 I traveled to Tunisia. I stayed there 8 days so I haven’t documented any serious project. I was there as a tourist and the images I captured represent an unintentional, unplanned reflection of my feelings and mood at that very moment. I photographed everything […]
A Moment in Tunisia / Views with People #5
Untitled #5, A Moment in Tunisia / Views with People, Tunisia, 2012
A Moment in Tunisia / Views without People #4
Cafe,  A Moment in Tunisia / Views without People, Tunisia, 2012
A Moment in Tunisia / Moments #2
Untitled #2, A Moment in Tunisia / Moments, Tunisia, 2012
A Moment in Tunisia / Views without People #3
House near the beach, A Moment in Tunisia / Views without People, Tunisia, 2012
A Moment in Tunisia / Views with People #4
In the shade, A Moment in Tunisia / Views with People, Tunisia, 2012
Film Street Photo # Роллеты
Magnum Irrelevant What is originality? Is it when you are the first at something or when from a lot of like you, only you have the ingenuity to make something different? Magnum guys were the first in Photojournalism/Documentary Photography/Reportage/War Photography/Street Photography. I don’t think it was very hard…because there was none to compare them with, […]
Film Street Photo # Man with flowers
Shephers by Jost Franko After seeing this story, one (photographer) would definetly think about his photography…I did. What is it that makes a photograph work? Or, what is MY photography and do I understand it? or…am I a photographer at all? Jost Franko knows it. He enjoys it, he loves it…this is what I noticed […]
Film Street Photo # Kvass
FlakPhoto is one of the best photography resources out there. After looking at it’s content and maybe realizing that photography is not for you (kidding) you will want to buy an analog medium camera…and then maybe a scanner…and a good monitor…hmmm, what about the film. It’s the type of photography that let’s you think and relax, […]
Film Street Photo # Levante
Everyday I look at photos on internet. I don’t feel that much has changed since the moment the first image was taken: same rules, same compositions, same moments, same construction of subjects so that it pleases the eye. Interesting, but we still go on and try to be better… This image is part of Film Street […]
Film Street Photo #…
There are street images that contain a number of subjects and elements that put together represent a funny moment, a frozen second of sarcasm and an amazing ability of the photographer of seeing how things exist in space and how they relate to each other. Matt Stuart is an example. I love his photography and […]

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