John Roshka Photography

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Moldova in fotografii. Nature, Evenimente, Oamenii, Street, Proiecte fotografice.

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Sa colorezi sau sa nu colorezi, aceasta-i intrebarea
De cite ori nu erati hotariti daca o fotografie sau alta mai bine arata color sau alb-negru? Eu am avut parte de asa situatii de foarte multe ori si, ca fiind fotografiile mele, iar un fotograf crede ca toate fotografiile lui sunt excelente :), nu ma puteam decide care va merge mai departe si care nu. Majoritatea site-urilor de fotografie, printre care si unul dintre cele mai bune - , promoveaza si favorizeaza fotografia alb negru (despre site-uri de fotografie in posturile urmatoare). S-au dus multe discutii pe forumurile acestor site-uri despre faptul ca numarul de lucrari alb negru il intrece pe cel de lucrari color, dar nu s-a ajuns la un numitor comun. Alb-negru reprezinta pentru multi oameni nostalgie, istorie. Pentru fotografi alb-negru reprezinta o mare de tonuri si forme cu care trebuie de jucat incit sa se obtina o armonie cit mai perfecta. Culorile in acest caz sunt de prisos.Acest articol mi-a atras atentia prin modul in care autorul vorbeste despre de unde apare nevoia de a face o fotografie alb-negru sau color, despre dispozitia pe care o redau aceste doua medii...Azi lucram la o poza facuta in parcul Valea Morilor. In momentul cind am facut-o nici nu m-am gindit la varianta alb-negru. Fotografia reprezinta 3 pini atinsi in capat de razele soarelui care apune. Sunt prezente culorile care fac aceasta imagine interesanta si frumoasa. Culorile redau prezenta momentului, realitatea care exista in momentul dat.Fotografia a fost procesata cu PerfectRAW pentru a "scoate" cea mai buna calitate a imaginii TIFF 16 biti si Photoshop pentru a ridica contrastul si pentru lurul cu culorile.Dar, deasemnea mai exista forme, perspective si tonalitati care ii redau acestei imagine ceva deosebit.Fotografia a fost procesata cu ajutorul filtrului Nik SilverEfex Pro in monochrome.Am prezentat aceste imagini prietenilor si majoritatea mi-au spus ca varianta color este mult mai interesanta. Parerea mea este alta. As vrea sa stiu pararea voastra. :)Fotografiile prezentate sunt disponibile in diferite marimi si rame.
Un nou inceput...A new start
I'll start in English. Don't know how many English speaking persons are following this blog, but anyway will make a beautiful and interesting turn in its history. What I decided is to start posting in Romanian or Russian and this is a suggestion from gaerlind , as he has a lot of visitors and that makes me envy... :) well, he also posts everyday...I don't... :) Will try mixing English when more interesting posts will appear and where it will not be so much to write... :) For a full English blog click here. OK, pentru cei ce cunosc Romana sper ca au inteles mesajul. Deci, voi incepe a scrie in Romana pentru a avea mai multi cititori si pentru a ma promova local. Primul post reprezentat de acest inceput este unul cu tematica de reportaj. Deasemenea, modul de a captura aceste imagini, care va fi explicat mai jos, mi-a deschis un nou orizont si noi idei de proiecte (care vor aparea mai tirziu). Fotografiile de mai jos reprezinta 30 minute din viata Pietei Centrale din Chisinau, care si este de fapt cel mai interesant si vivid loc din capitala. Mii de oamenii zilnic viziteaza acest loc care in sec. XIX servea ca "loc de mincat". Aici se adunau cei saraci pentru a fi hraniti. Majoritatea fotografiilor au fost facute cu aparatul de la sold sau de la briu pentru nu a atrage atentia. Deasemenea la distanta focala 17 mm cu obiectivul Tamron 17-55 mm, 2.8, Canon EOS 10D. Eu de obicei lucrez cu "back autofocus" iar pentru aceste poze am fost nevoit sa schimb setarile aparatul si sa activez autofocusul la apasarea pe jumatate a butonului de declansare (sper ca termenii au fost corecti :)). In acest mod este mai usor de a focusa cu aparatul la sold. Insa nici o tehnica nu va da gres daca momentul este potrivit:Intreaga serie poate fi vazuta AICI1. sunt numai citeva fotografii din toata seria care poate fi vazuta aici:
My 1st photobook
I got my 1st photobook through is about the Hacibektasi Museum Complex, which is situated in the central part of Trukey (Anatolia) and it also represents a Dervish lodge.More about the museum click here: my book with info and photos about the Hacibektas Museum Hacibektas Museum Complex Hacibektas Mus... The Dervish Lodge By John Roshka Make a photo book with Blurb Book Preview  Thank you!
Photo Exhibition
The first thing I’d like to “say” after long time of pause in posting is: I’m sorry…I hadn’t updated my blog regularly. I’ve been a bit busy with personal problems, but also had a trip of 2 weeks in Turkey. The photos will come pretty soon.This post is about the Mondi Paralleli Exhibition that will take place in Italy. It’s a presentation of different photographs of different photographers and artists from Moldova, including me…Here’s the information about the exhibition:Host:Galleria Chigi, ViterboType:Music/Arts - ExhibitNetwork:GlobalStart Time:Friday, April 3, 2009 at 6:30pmEnd Time:Sunday, April 5, 2009 at 12:00pmLocation:Galleria ChigiStreet:via Chigi, 11City/Town:Viterbo, ItalyEmail:tiziana.arceri@alice.itDescription:The idea of this exhibition comes from a 9 months long journey. Not just a simple volunteering experience, but a path made of people, places, colors.The real “stars” of this event are Moldova and the young artists that we were so lucky to meet.Laura and Tiziana with LunariaRobert AndersenMihai GituKostantin MargineVadim PalamarciucJohn RoshkaAlso, there’s an event on Facebook: I was announced that the prints will also sell, so who interested in buying some prints of Moldova from Moldovan artists…and also, if you are near Viterbo, take a look and join the exhibition.Thanks.
PurityBuy Print here:
PerfectRAW 0.6 and some noise reduction examples

PefectRAW 0.6 is on and you can download it from here by going to the bottom of the page.

The new implementations of PerfectRAW 0.6:

AFD interpolationLuminance extraction for every interpolation algorithm (for AFD it is extracted inside interpolation, and for the rest after interpolation).Raw noise attenuation for high ISO images, based in texture detection using AFD interpolation. This attenuation is only for high ISO images and can be used with any interpolation algorithm, because it is done before interpolation. It depends on two parameters, the first one (from 0 to 100) is the noisy pixels detection, the second one (from 0 to 100 again) is the level of attenuation for those pixels (0 none, 100 full). The idea is to reduce noise without removing texture, so you can get fine grain and less color blotches. Is very easy to reduce the noise of resulting image in Photoshop or whatever noise reduction software you use. If you use it in noise free images it will do almost nothing.Small changes in the program GUI (better TAB behavior).

If you want to know and see what is AFD and how it performs at noise reduction among other software: ACR and DxO, check this link:

PerfectRAW starts to forms it’s personality and importance by preserving by most useful features of a RAW converter (WB, noise reduction, highlight recovery etc.) and working on improving new techniques of revealing. 

Grzegorz Turnau Concert

Few shots from the Grzegorz Turnau Concert organized by Polish Embassy and that took place at Mihai Eminesc theatre.




My favourite RAW Converter
I always try to get the most from my photos which means as much info as I can. This would consider shooting RAW and using it's features. For this, one needs a very good RAW Converter - the software that reads the real, true and full image information from the RAW file. During my attempts of using different commercial software and reading tons of tutorials, I realised that actually it is not me who deals with those genuine pixels from my RAW file but the software I was using. One day (can't remember how, honestly :)) I came across DCRAW, a small open source .exe file that can be used with the command line for decoding RAW files. This is what Guillermo Luijk has to say about DCRAW: "My personal opinion is that I love DCRAW as a RAW development tool not only for experimenting but in a regular workflow. The key is to do in Photoshop all those extra features that other RAW developers can do apart from pure development, and consider DCRAW as a tool that provides a rough image without any kind of processing applied on it, just a high quality development under absolute control."I started to use it and was using it all the time until one day when I decided to check the link for PerfectRAW from the last paragraph of Guillermo's tutorial about DCRAW. PerfectRAW Development Forum: I downloaded the initial testing versions of PerfectRAW and started to use them. I was fascinating about the reality of the moment and information it was bringing to my images (will upload some test images and screenshots soon). Using PerfectRAW: 1. Download DCRAW.exe file from:  by clicking on the respective specifications of the OS you are using. In my example I'm using Windows so I downloaded the "dcraw: Windows build updated v.8.88 release ". Save the dcraw.exe file to C:\WINDOWS\ 2. Download PerfectRAW from:  by clicking on the "Permanent Link to the latest version ( o.5 alpha2 IN)". 3. Unzipp it and save the forder to your Program Files folder, in my case: C:\Program Files\ 4. Open the folder, it must contain 10 files and copy the Victor font file to C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\ 5. From the same folder copy the 2 color profile to C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\drivers\color\ 6. From the same folder open the config file by right click and chosing edit. Initially the config file is looking like this:

<xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8">  <Config>    <ICC>      <CameraProfile></CameraProfile>      <CameraGamma></CameraGamma>      <OutputProfile>c:\windows\system32\spool\drivers\color\sRGB Color Space Profile.icm</OutputProfile>      <OutputGamma>sRGB</OutputGamma>      <DisplayProfile>c:\windows\system32\spool\drivers\color\Spyder2express.icm</DisplayProfile>      <DisplayGamma>sRGB</DisplayGamma>    </ICC>  </Config></xml>

You must rewrite to this:

<xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8">  <Config>    <ICC>      <CameraProfile></CameraProfile>      <CameraGamma></CameraGamma>      <OutputProfile>c:\windows\system32\spool\drivers\color\sRGB.icm</OutputProfile>      <OutputGamma>sRGB</OutputGamma>      <DisplayProfile>c:\windows\system32\spool\drivers\color\Spyder.icm</DisplayProfile>      <DisplayGamma>sRGB</DisplayGamma>    </ICC>  </Config></xml>Do you notice the difference ? You must just to delete this: "Color Space Profile" and this: "2express" because the names of the color profiles you copied are not "sRGB Color Space" and "Spyder2express", but are: "sRGB" and "Spyder". 7. From the same folder with 10 components double click on the PerfectRAW exe file. If you did everything correctly you'll see the program starting. Requirements: .NET Framework # , OS, RAW Images and nice mood. :) In my further posts I'll concentrate on examples, updates and using PerfectRAW.  

Leova, Sudul Moldovei.
Moldova Open 2008
Duminica, 18 Mai, 2008 
Hronograf and Integro
The concert took place on 9th of May, 2008, Fantom Club, Ismail Street.HronografThe DrummerHronograf</div>Integro</div>
Other Kind of Parade
Mainly religious people gathered on Pride Day to show their indignation Reading Articles from Constitution and Preaching from Bible Children were giving brochures about "healthy" family and relations People started to pray for healing the morality of the "others" People with opinion who did not want to get photographed