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Microblading and Powder Effect in Amsterdam

What is The Powder Effect?

Everyone is different. Some of us have strong features, others need a little help with that. Usually, brows are the ones that help define our face expression and features. A lot of us though need help in that department.

At Face & Body Boutique we offer The Powder Effect Procedure for brows, which creates a semi permanent makeup and inhances your natural brows. It can be considered as a tattoo, but the way the pigment is implanted into your brow area, makes it look natural and last up to a year or two.

The Powder Effect is used to inhance the look of your natural eyebrowsThe Powder Effect can help even the uneven brows and change their shape or color.

How does it work?

The Powder Effect Brows treatment implants pigment in the eyebrow area to create the look of defined eyebrows. This technique involves implanting pigment in a series of tiny dots throughout the eyebrow area.


It saves time with your daily routine and applying makeup onIt can give you back the shape of the eyebrows you once had or wish would haveNo recovery timeLooks really natural

What to Expect?

After a consultation, we decide what eyebrow shape and color works best for you depending your skin type and hair color. Then, by using an individual needle and a tattoo machine we implant that pigment into your brow area in several layers.

Who is a good candidate?

Good candidates for The Powder Effect are persons with thin or blonde eyebrows, persons who lost their eyebrow hair due to medical conditions and also those who want to have a consistent look every day and get a wished eyebrow look. Before the procedure everyone should avoid alcohol, exposure to the sun, avoid waxing or spray tans.

Is there any after care required?

Immediately after the procedure there can be redness, but the result can be shown instantly. There is no need to wear bandages over swollen skin. In the next two weeks you should avoid sweating too much and hot showers on to your face. Avoid chemical peels and acids as well. They need to heal and dry naturally.

Is it safe?

The powder Effect is a safe procedure as we use only individual needles. There might be some bleeding, which is normal, but nothing else to expect.  The procedure is painless and if you are afraid of needles, this is why we use liquid anesthesia during the process which relieves the pain.

The results?

The effect of the procedure is instant, but after 10-12 days it is slightly lighter. We need to get a correction in one or two months to get the desired effect. Also, if for some reason you are not thrilled with the result, it isn’t something you literally have to live with as it is semi permanent makeup.

What is Microblading?

Everyone is different. Some of us have strong features, others need a little help with that. Usually, brows are the ones that help define our face expression and features. A lot of us though need help in that department.

At Face & Body Boutique we offer  the Microblading technique , which creates a semi – permanent, light, wispy hair strokes on your eyebrow ridge to supplement your natural eyebrows. It can be considered a form of eyebrow tattoo, but unlike tattoos, it is almost undetectable when done right.

Microblading can be used to enhance your natural eyebrowsMicroblading can be used to reshape / change your eyebrows shape

How does it work?

 Microblading is a revolutionary technique in which semi-permanent makeup is applied manually to the eyebrows. With the help of paper-thin needles in the form of a knife, lines are applied one by one in the form of hairs with natural pigments in the skin. 


It saves time with your daily routine and applying makeup onIt can give you back the shape of the eyebrows you once had or wish would haveNo recovery timeLooks really natural

What to Expect?

After a consultation, we decide what eyebrow shape works best for you. Then, we use a cream to numb the eyebrows area and then by using a paper thin needles in form of a knife, lines are applied line by line in the form of hairs with natural pigments in the skin.

Who is a good candidate?

Good candidates for Microblading are persons with thin or blonde eyebrows, persons who lost their eyebrow hair due to medical conditions and also those who want to have a consistent look every day and get a wished eyebrow look. Before the procedure everyone should avoid alcohol, exposure to the sun, avoid waxing or spray tans.

Is there any after care required?

Immediately after the procedure there can be redness, but the result can be shown instantly. There is no need to wear bandages over swollen skin. In the next two weeks you should avoid sweating too much and hot showers on to your face. Avoid chemical peels and acids as well. They need to heal and dry naturally.

Is it safe?

Microblading is a safe procedure as we use only individual needles. There might be some bleeding, which is normal, but nothing else to expect.  The procedure is painless and if you are afraid of needles, this is why we use the numbing cream.

The results?

The effect of the procedure is instant, but after 10-12 days it is slightly lighter. We need to get a correction in one or two months to get the desired effect. Also, if for some reason you are not thrilled with the result, it isn’t something you literally have to live with as it is semi permanent makeup.

Now I am available for this procedure in Amsterdam at Face & Body Boutique.

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Wedding / Event / Shooting Bookings

Hi guys!

It’s been such a long time since I wrote a post. So, I work remotely with my salon from Moldova and travel there at least every two months to get things done. Also, now that things are more in order in Netherlands, I started working as a freelance makeup artist in Amsterdam as well. And because it is so easy to get around Europe, I started taking jobs in other cities and countries as well.

I thought it is time to write a post for future persons that want to hire me for their weddings, events or any kind of shootings. So, this post is about how to make the booking, what to talk about and how is the whole process of hiring me or deciding if I am the right person.


 Portflio & Choosing – First you need to see the site, portfolio or even Instagram Feed of the future makeup artist you want to hire. If their style/personality fits you, then you can always contact them directly or via mail. On my site it is pretty easy to do that as you can clearly see the Book Me button. You need to do that at least 4-5 months before the event. Booking & Payment – Of course the  first thing you need to discuss is pricing, road expenses and packages. If you hire someone to do your wedding and have multiple people that want their hair & makeup done, you can always discuss discounts as well. This is an important fact, because if we discuss a couple of times and then every part agrees with the other, then the next step would be a small transfer of a sum into my account that assures you the booking. After I offer you the services, you can transfer the rest of the money. This is really an important step, as you need to be 100% sure that the other person is reliable and also professional. And it also gives you a proof in any scenario. The client supports the road expenses as well if it is another city then Amsterdam, or another country then Netherlands. Logistics – After booking the makeup artist and the hair stylist, comes the discussion of the logistics. This includes timing, hour of start, roads and possibilities to get at the location. And everything else in between is important to set before the day. Trial – Some people really want to try the makeup first before the wedding. That can include a trip to Amsterdam or just a meeting between us somewhere to try out the makeup. This is a really important and interesting part, especially if you are a person that does not wear too much makeup or none at all on a daily basis. The trial gives you that moment to try out the makeup that you really want for yourself, but also listen the advices of the makeup artist. The trial is a really nice part to experience, because after that you can decide exactly how and what you want. 


I think these are very easy, but important steps into finding and booking your beauty specialist for your wedding. Do not forget, it has to be someone that makes you feel comfortable, that is very easy going and that does things exactly how you want them. And last, but not least, here is My Portfolio one more time in case you were wondering.

Have a great day everyone!

Photos from my bride Alexandrina from Italy


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Amsterdam Tips

Noi stăm în Amsterdam de un an și jumătate. De aia, toate recomandările mele legate de acest oraș superb pot fi un pic subiective și se pot schimba în 5 ani, dar asta mai puțin contează.

Hai să începem cu faptul că cea mai faină perioadă de a vizita acest oraș începe cu luna aprilie și se termină cu octombrie. Dacă desigur vreți să prindeți lanurile infinite cu lalele, atunci perioada 15 aprilie – 10 mai este cea mai optimă. Eu v-aș recomanda să luați un Airbnb undeva în zona Jordaan (inima orașului). Un apartament de pe Airbnb e mai ieftin ca un hotel, dar dacă veniți primăvara, trebuie tare din timp să faceți rezervările. Minusul rezervărilor din timp este faptul ca timpul aici e imprevizibil. Iar dacă faceți un city break de 3 zile și toate aceste zile va ploua, atunci vibe-ul la călătoria voastră va fi tare diferit. De aia plănuitul unei vizite din timp în Amsterdam are multe plusuri legate de preț, dar un mare minus legat de nesiguranța timpului. Pe 27 aprilie este ziua Regelui în Olanda, de aia un festival enorm în tot orașul este de neevitat. De aia, peioada de primăvară are încă un plus.

Dacă nu țineți neapărat să veniți primăvara, atunci perioada iulie – august ar fi cea mai faină. Este mult mai liniștit, zilele sunt lungi pînă la 11 seara, iar apusurile de vară sunt superbe. Vara de asemenea puteți combina cu unul din multele festivaluri care au loc aici. Doar dați un search pe google cu ( Festivals in Amsterdam in July and August).

Luați în calcul faptul că în perioada aprilie – mai prețurile la bilet sunt duble de asemenea.

Sper că v-am clarificat un pic la capitolul perioadă, acomodare. Acum vreau să vă scriu un pic despre Amsterdam și ce puteți face aici timp de cîteva zile.

1. Să luați în chirie o bicicletă și să mergeți în Vondel Park. De ce am scris anume Vondel Park? Pentru că acolo este mai lejeră circulația și mai ușor un pic. Nu v-aș recomanda să mergeți cu bicicleta prin oraș pentru că este periculos și trebuie să cunoașteți regulile. Este aglomerat și plin cu mașini, alte biciclete și alți turiști care merg pe jos și sunt la fel de confuzi ca și voi. Plus, este complicat să mergeți cu bicicleta, să vă uitați pe hartă și să faceși alte activități. Luați în chirie o bicicletă doar dacă puteți merge foarte bine și sunteți siguri, de altfel, păstrați nervii. În Vondel Park luați cu voi produse de la o alimentară ( Albert Heijn e cea mai populară) și faceți un picnic lîngă lac, la soare. Este magnific.

2. Plimbațivă prin zona Jordaan și anume prin cele 9 străzi micuțe cu magazinașe vintage și tot felul de buticuri locale. Această zonă este inima orașului, iar vibe-ul este special. Acolo puteți mînca delicios o pizza la La Perla sau humus și mîncare orientală la Hummus Bistro D&A. Nu uitați, acolo puteți găsi cele mai unice bijuterii sau haine unice.

3. Vizitați Museum Plein, unde este un square mare, verde pe care vă puteți odihni la soare. Tot acolo se găsesc multe muzee faine ca Rijksmuseum ( artă/ picturi), Moca ( artă modernă), Stedelijk Museum ( picturi), Van Gogh. Eu aș lăsa muzeele pentru zilele ploioase, mai ales dacă ați venit pe timp limitat. Un singur muzeu vă va lua cel puțin 3 ore. Dar dacă sunteți iubitor mare de artă, atunci acolo puteți petrece o zi întreagă.

4. Mergeți în De Pijp pentru a vedea cum se petrec localnicii sau cum este un Market autentic olandez. Aici mă refer la Albert Cuyp Market. Acolo puteți gusta hering proaspăt, clătite olandeze, mîncare turcească, cașcaval proaspăt olandez, cadouri și multe fructe și legume. În regiunea De Pijp, pe timp de noapte găsiți o mulțime de localuri și baruri cu muzică. Nouă ne place să mîncăm Brunch la Coffee & Coconut, Little Collins, Bakers & Roasters, Vinnies, Scandinavian Embassy, The Avocado Show.. Pentru cină, aici puteți merge la Bar Fisk, Spaghetteria, Volt, Brut de Mer, Cannibale Royal ( burgeri), Escobar ( mexican, bar), The seafood Bar, De Japaner ( japonez). . Și în general pentru distracții de noapte, găsiți aici multe baruri locale cu multă bere și muzică faină.

5. Numaidecăt să mergeți cu barca să vedeți Amsterdamul. Este un must și o cu totul altfel de experiență. Pe rîul Amstel, lîngă Hermitage Amsterdam sunt bărci deschise care merg fiecare oră și au tururi de o oră sau 1.5 h. Acolo puteți achita pe loc și aveți parte de un tur cu băuturi, care este tare fain. Bărcile sunt faine, ghizii sunt bravo. Vă vor informa cîte un pic despre istoria orașului. După această plăcere, puteți intra în Hermitage, dar nu pentru a vedea muzeul, ci pentru a ieși în grădina acestuia și a lua prînzul ( au all day Brunch) la localul Dignita Hoftuin. Cel mai fain local de Brunch în mijlocul unei grădini. Este wow!

6. Mergeți seara la Red Light District. Este ceva care trebuie să vedeți. Mai multe nu vă povestesc!

7. Dacă e apus frumos și zi caldă, mergeți la Waterkant, unul din locurile noastre preferate. Acolo veți sta exact la marginea canalului. E o experineță faină! De asemenea voi adăuga niște restaurante care nouă tare ne plac. Pentru o cină mai faină și fine dining recomand The Lobby Nesplein, Cecconi, Sushi Samba, Izakaya, Blue Spoon. Vedere faină și cocktailuri gustoase sunt la W Hotel. Acolo e frumos la apus! Pentru a dansa mergeți la Cin Cin Club.

8. Dacă aveți o zi în plus și ați venit în perioada lalelelor, mergeti cu trenul sau mașina în Lisse. Închiriați de lîngă Keukenkoff o bicicletă ți plimbați-vă în jurul acestui oraș dar și spre Hillegom. Privelistile vor fi wow. Dar acest punct se referă doar la lunile aprilie – mai.

Dragii mei, cam astea ar fi recomandările mele pentru Amsterdam. Desigur ca sunt o sută de alte activități pe care le puteți face, dar nu sunt sigură că din prima vizită, le reușiți. Dacă vă plănuiți o vacanță mai mare pentru Olanda, atunci o să vă invit pe blog să descoperiți alte locuri de vizitat și făcut în țară!

Video filmat și editat de Dorin Ciobanu

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Tulum, Mexic

Details about our vacation to Tulum, Mexico.

Flights – Aero Mexico

Hotels – La Zebra Tulum and Alma Tulum

Cenotes – Grand Cenote and Cenote Calavera

Laguna – Kaan Luum

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New Year’s Eve Hair

Hi Everybody! Check out how to create your curls with a Jose Eber Curler and then how to style it and accessorize it for New Year’s Eve!


Step 1.

First Video – Curling the hair with Jose Eber Curler

Step 2.

Style your hair depending on your face shape, preferences and outfit and accessorise it with these kind of accessories. Mine are all from Zara.

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New Year’s Eve Look 2019

I love giving advice when it comes to Events. And I always start creating a look in mind around the dress, suit or anything you will be wearing.

So, the first New Year’s Eve inspiration was created around a black dress, but with a lot of details like lace and sequins and volume as well. For that, I thought a simple ponytail with no accessories would be great. You can do yours up or down, with a side part, middle part or no part at all. All depends on your face shape of course. As for the makeup, I thought classic eyeliner, sparkly shades & red lip would do it.

So, if you have a lot going on with your outfit, keep it simple with the hair & makeup, if you have a simple look going on, then you can play a bit with your hair style, accessories or makeup.

Stay tuned for more!

[RO] Îmi place la nebunie perioada sărbătorilor de iarnă. Decembrie e o lună atît de caldă și festivă. Și pentru că ador la nebunie să creez look-uri pentru aceste sărbători, am decis să vă recomand cîte ceva.

Orice look ați adapta, trebuie să începeți cu ținuta. Totul se crează în jurul acesteia. Primul meu look de Revelion a fost creat în jurul unei rochii cu mult volum, dantelă și multe detalii, cît și paiete. Din această cauză, am optat pentru ceva simplu la păr și makeup. O coadă de cal lejeră ar fi ideală pentru un aer tineresc și modern. O poți face sus, jos, cu volum, cu cărare sau fără. Totul ține de preferințele personale cît și de forma feței. Anume părul legat parcă completează o rochie atît de complexă. Iar ăentru machiaj, am optat pentru ceva clasic – adică farduri aurii, codițe clasice, dar și un ruj roșu deosebit.

Iar la toată această frumusețe, am adăugat o pereche de cercei mari. Și poate pentru unii ar fi prea mult, dar din cauza sticlei transparente, aceștia par aerieni și parcă nu încarcă ținuta!

Cam asta ar fi pentru primul look de Revelion. Stați pe fază că mai urmează postări interesante.

Dress – H&M Earrings – Zara Red Lipstick – Smashbox in Bawse

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Family trip to Switzerland

Going to the mountains with the kids in autumn is one of our favorite things to do. Now that they are bigger, trips with our car seem something nice and adventurous. Not other than Switzerland and its gorgeous view was our destination this holiday. Driving from Amsterdam to Switzerland can be fun. A 9 hour drive divided in two days with fun stops and a night in Luxembourg is what we did.

Once arrived in the Swiss Alps, we stayed the first two nights in Kandersteg. There are two amazing lakes on top of the mountains to which you can get by gondola ( if it’s open/read on the internet about the season). Otherwise you can always hike there and trust me it’s the most rewarding thing ever. If you have toddlers then I would always suggest choosing a gondola and then hike around the lake. But even for hiking around the lake, you will need a special stroller or a wagon to carry the kids. We have one from Jipfish and it helped a lot. Kids ate in it, slept in it, play in it and enjoyed the nature from it. Lake Oeschinensee from Kandersteg is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. We hiked up and down 6 km. It was a bit insane, but crazy beautiful.

Kandersteg, Lake Oeschinensee

Oeschinensee Lake

After this, we spent another two nights in Engelberg. This city offers some amazing playgrounds up in he mountains. Probably the most epic and beautiful playgrounds I have ever seen in my life. But the photos will speak for them. The city itself is popular, has many attractions and things to do. We took it slow, went up in the mountains, hiked around the Trubsee Lake and enjoyed two different playgrounds in two days. Remember to always have snacks with you, sunscreen, water, and something to carry the kids.

Playground View on top of the Mountain / Engelberg

Playground on top of the Mountain /Engelber

I highly recommend visiting Switzerland, but mostly with the car. Because the ride into that country and in between the Alps is just breathtaking. Everything looks like a postcard!

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Weekends in Amsterdam

Hey guys! So, I decided to write down how we spend our weekends here in the city. Besides doing all sorts of activities in the city, we love to go to the beach. We especially like the beaches near Haarlem because of the distance (30 minutes by car) and because of the sand, beach clubs and all sorts of play grounds for kids. Yesterday we went to the Zandvoort Beach.

Even if you don’t get the amazing blue water in the sea here in the Netherlands, the sand from the beach is super thin and soft. You also get hundred of meters of sand and the beaches are wide enough. You can find on the beach lots of beach houses and clubs that are friendly for everyone. Most of them have good food, great atmosphere, sun beds and so on. Yesterday we stayed on the beach near The Hippie Fish Beach Club and we loved it. You can have a great relaxing walk on the beach, play a lot in the sun and even have a bike ride as they always have an alley in front of the beach for that.

Don’t forget about the sunsets, which are beautiful here.

I feel blessed every day for being so close to the beach and for being able to go there whenever we feel like!

Have a great Sunday!

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One Hat, Different Outfits

When you are tired of your daily, casual outfits and you want to improvise, to change it somehow or add something stylish, choose a hat. A hat will give you that rock vibe, will add a hippie taste as well and will make your looks pop.

Lack of Colors is my favorite hat brand. It’s not cheap, but their hats are timeless and very stylish. They will give so much confidence and a doze of great personal style.

Here is how I wear one white hat with lots of different outfits from them!

Enjoy and play around with your looks!

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Mykonos with Kids

This year we traveled in Mykonos with the kids. The experience was totally different then seven years ago when we first went.

First of all, the Island is transforming slowly into Ibiza, which means lots of beaches are full of beach clubs and parties all day long, as well as there is only one or two beaches left wild. Also, everybody says that the demand for the island is so high, that the prices will only go up and up. Still, if you book in advance, you can find great flight options as well as great hotels and different price ranges.

There are two particular good beaches for families that we liked and attended. We stayed five days in Platis Gialos Beach at the Hotel Acrogiali. Great location, exactly on the beach. I found this one super nice for us, as we had restaurant and bars everywhere, the beach is small, cosy and nice for the little ones. We could easily nap in the room and get back to the beach as well as we had a market exactly one minute away.

Another Beach that I found veeeery family friendly was Ornos Beach. You find there a nice, friendly beach for kids, quite restaurant and not so many beach clubs. I highly recommend to stay there at a Hotel as well. We had a car and drove there anytime we wanted.

The second location we stayed in another five days is Panormos Villas. It is situated on the mountain, above the Panormos Beach. The Villas there have a breathtaking views over the beach as well as you get an amazing sunset every night. But you need a car to travel the island or go to certain beaches from there. They have all these services, like a nanny for the kids or personal chef experience, room service and a lot of other things services. The Vilas are above Panormos Beach, which is a nice one, but unfortunately it has been occupied by a beach club and is not reachable otherwise. So, you can go at that Beach Club, but you will spend a great amount of money for a day there, or you can hire a car and visit different other beaches every day, like we did.

Mykonos is one of my favorite places, even if it’ becoming something exclusive and more expensive. The style of the old city, the sunsets, the music, beaches and everything is just wow. Still, if you book everything in advance, you can go there with any money, trust me.

So, I hope my recommendations about traveling there with the family helped you. If you have any other questions, you can leave them bellow.

Have a great week!

Platis Gialos Beach – the plave where we stayed the first five days. Here is how the water and beach looks like from the drone.

Panormos Vilas – The View to Panormos Beach and the Vilas from above

Some old town photos

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