Knocking on forbidden doors…

Knocking on forbidden doors…Knocking on forbidden doors…

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Charity helps Romanian orphans
An Oxfordshire woman has set up a charity to help provide shelter for orphaned teenagers in Romania. Karen Fairfax-Cholmeley began the Romanian Foyer Trust to support orphans once they reach 18 years old. The scheme has opened in the north-west of the country and houses 18 people. At the moment, it is the only organisation […]
Growing Care
Growing Care is a charitable organisation run by the founders, Lewis and Jacquie Aubry. The current project started in 2002 with the purchase of a field of sunflowers in Siminoc, Romania. The land is gradually being turned into a smallholding, which will be used to teach animal husbandry and cultivation skills to Romanian youngsters in […]
Relief fund for Romania
We are a British charity, based in the UK, that raises funds and spends them in Romania. By UK standards we are relatively modestly sized. However in Romania we are a significant funder and one of the leading UK Romanian aid groups. We are generally seen as “punching way above our weight” – in terms […]
Back on track!
I just found my own blog after one year… it is weird to read your thoughts and ideas from the past. It is like a diary that takes you back into another life you used to have. Well anyways the blog is pretty much active and running and I will try to keep it going.
Membrii Clubul European al Studenţilor ASEM s-au întîlnit cu Paolo Berizzi
Clubul European al Studenţilor ASEM rămîne fidel angajamentului luat faţă de membrii săi de a invita specialişti şi experţi străini, precum şi reprezentanţi ai organizaţiilor internaţionale la mesele rotunde ale clubului. Scopul acestor întrevederi este de a oferi participanţilor posibilitatea de a discuta şi de a a afla opinia unor actori implicaţi direct în procesul […]

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