Prujinka's Blog

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este blogul meu, in care imi face placere sa scriu, sa ma impart cu lucrurile care mie imi plac si care mi se par mie interesante...

RSS posts



There are so many things I should have told him, so many things I did wrong and I didn’t make them right…

Why there is not a „delete” button?

I would delete everything, words, especially words, memories, so many to erase, and feelings, a lot of them too…

But thoughts, what should I do with them? Can I delete them too?


Today I don’t know… maybe it’s just today, or maybe it’s because of the song… or maybe it’s just not for today… People say something broke into me a year ago…Maybe I became different… I don’ want to write anymore… just images… can’t write anything about love anymore… sad… I don’t like love movies anymore, nor even songs… just images…. there were someone in my life that coul’d understand me… anything… but it’s gone already… and somethimes I just wanna tell my best friend to stop talking about that „problems” that she things she has… People are fake… sometimes I’m sick of them… If just I could have power to listen all of their stupidity to the end….

sweet life…

Astazi toata lumea e super pozitiva)))  doar statusuri de o viata noua… thats strange… why everybody started a new live in the same day?  nu sint conta… dar… STOP SPEAKING AND DO IT!!!!

You’re gone, come back… Stay gone, stay clean… I need you to need me…

People always write that they are sad… and that they heart hurts… how about writing positive things? People like to share the bad mood, the bad feelings, they remember about you only when they  have no one to talk with, or in the moment when you feel fine just without them…

I like to read positive things, the status my friends write when they are in love, the song they listen when they are happy, the cute pictures that inspires them to make good things, the applications they send with „I love you”. I like to watch hapiness… so please dont write me when you feel you miss me… cos I dont miss YOU… I’ve learned to live without you again…. I just feel good knowing (or at least thinking) that you are happy…

My day off….

Closing again the photo… I should look at it more often…. maybe this way I would understand finally THAT thing….. ok…. so what now?

Listening my new favorite song and waiting Naty to come by at my place…. today it’s a hanging out girls day… 🙂

And… I’ve got today the MOST SCARING nightmare I ever dreamed…. dont know why today when its such a big holy holiday… and it’s my day off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Today no boys allowed!!!!!


there is something in this song that makes me….. fever….


Cant describe the emotions I feel listening to this song…


In the morning I wake up and… he is watching me sleeping…

I open my eyes, I look at him… smile… I always smile looking at him.

„Your big eyes are the most amazing green eyes I’ve ever seen” he says to me…

I smile one more time… and he kisses me….

Don’t wanna go to work… I would stay with him in bed all my life… only me and him…

he stand uo and the empty side of his bed looks pretty sad without him…

„No, I need it one more time” I say….

He looks at me surprised, smiles, and says my favorite words „Come here, my baby”. Now I have the energy to stay at work… and when I’ll come home, I will know he waits for me to get what he been waiting all the day…