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I´m proud to be Romanian! You can´t imagine how proud I am! All my country-fellow-men are very open-minded, are OK with gay people and other people of different religious views than their own! Romanians are very proud of whom they are. That´s what I have observed at least. So are Americans (including Canadians). But there is some heterogeneity among them. Americans are proud of their country (you get the impression they don´t feel American if they`re not NUMBER ONE! And take my word for it, if you tell them they´re not, some of them take it as an insult), Canadians, on the other hand, are usually proud of their friends (you´ll hear a lot of “I´m so proud of you” in Canada). Romanians are proud of … being Romanians! Yep, that´s it! And every achievement of any Romanian (even if only a distant relative of his/her was from Romania) they attribute it to themselves. The logic is as following (Assume Person X invented something which turned out to beGREAT! therefore X=GREAT! & if X=Romanian and YOU=ROMANIAN too! therefore YOU=GREAT! :))) q.e.d!
So, you should expect to see compilations of the major Romanian “achievements” of this kind: to be quite popular. And indeed, it is! You would imagine a ten min for a youtube video would not be enough to list major discoveries and achievements. Think again… 5:30 is enough to include “defending four Penalties in a Row!” … and to make the Achievements video last longer: Don´t forget to PUT a ten seconds count down at the beginning!
Why are Romanians so proud of themselves? Probably because they compare themselves to their lame brothers: MOLDOVANS!
(To draw a line of comparison, when Americans compare themselves to “da bortherz” they feel pity for them, NOT PROUD about themselves!)
But there is a problem… Romanians are not alone. TURKEY! Turks are just as proud to be Turks as Romanians do! But Turks do not compare themselves to Azerbaijani. (Or do they?) Turkish people are able to make empirical observations in Istambul: for them Romanian/Moldavian girls are perceived as prostitutes. It´s funny to see how suddenly a Turkish guy lightens up from they realize the girl they are talking to is from MOLDOVA!
(On the other hand, the Turkish people do not even expect that even for lame Moldovans “Are you Turkish?!” is not a question concerning your nationality… they use it in a derogatory way for “ARE YOU DUMB!?!”). Don´t rush to blame Moldova for hypocrisy before you find out that in Romania “We do NOT sell Turkish auto parts!” is used as an advertisement.
So what do Romanians and Turks have in common? Why are they so proud of themselves?
I see this type of “proudness” to be very connected to “wishful thinking”. (link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wishful_thinking)
Wishful thinking is a deviation from adjusting your expectations in a rational way.
I once had a chat with the Turkish vice minister of foreign affairs, and it´s no joke, he was thinking that European Union should join Turkey. Was impressing how he could back it up with facts. And ask a Romanian officer about Romania´s role in the NATO bloc to sustain world security! The answer is more impressing than the video “The World without Romania!” provided earlier
Basically they talk about a state of affairs they would like to be in, and all empirical facts are shamelessly ignored! Does it sound familiar to you? Does it ring a bell if I say “heaven”, “unicorns” and “the garden of eden”?
Wishful thinking is also quite present in people with short memory for past orthodoxies.
The overwhelming pressure, excess of optimism from people around you, unrealistic demands and unfavorable environments in early childhood development, early exposure to Hollywood happy-end movies can all cause syndromes of wishful thinking.
Both countries: Romania and Turkey are going through harsh times. And the degree of wishful thinking can be used as a good proxy fore religiousness.
In fact … if you look at the Eurobarometer of the European Union on Religious Demography both Turkey and Romania are in the top five most religious countries, with only 1% of Atheists. That make them also the most religious countries in the world!
It´s nice if u happen to be a muslim (Turkey) or a chirstian (Romania)… but one thing is certain: It SUCKS bad to be different!
That is NOT what the Turkish/Romanian people will tell you if you ask them: How is it to be an Atheist in your country?
And how did you expect?
Erik Brewer… here´s a call for papers for people like you who claim to have evidence of God´s existance.
Good luck! Until then… shut up

Eu as propune ca fiecare biserica sa fie taxata cite 1 euro p/u spatiul ce il ocupa dupa formula:
Taxa (lunara)= Suprafata ocupata in m^2 * Inaltimea bisericii
Nu de alta dar ea aduce externalitati negative oamenilor care nu cred, si prin urmare trebuie taxata.
Banii din taxe sa fie donati p/u invatamint
Ce spuneti credinciosilor? Ati fi deacord?
Isus va invata sa dati Caesarului ce-i a Caesarului.
The intrinsic value of God! Enjoy!
From Erik Brewer’s Comment:
“Why is it that humans are the only moral beings on this earth?” – Oh! They are Not the only ones! And I am not even sure if people have the most moral values from all the animals. It’s not so uncommon to see animals behaving more responsible than humans.
“What is the probability of another animal “evolving” into a state of morality?” – The probability is 100%, you see how cats care for their kittens because if they didn’t they would become extinct, you see even how brainless fish take care of each other, and you don’t see species killing each other because again… otherwise they will become extinct.
“Do you even know that one? It is very improbable that only one “species” would evolve to such a state. It does help the species to be moral, right? Do you not agree with moral laws such as do not murder?” – The “moral laws” that we do not murder each other and the reason we think killing people is bad does not contradict evolution theory at all, rather it is what you would expect to have if evolution is true. You can think of it in a different way: It’s just that those species who were killing each other became extinct.
Link of the video here
So what exactly happens in our brains when we donate to a charity or show compassion.
Here’s some research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that was published in the Economist Oct 12, 2006. The link is here
Apparently, it’s the same part of the brain that is activated from sexual pleasures
John Loftus on Faith into God , dedicated to those who think THEIR Religion is the Right one
Link to youtube