The Blog of the Fallen Angel

The Blog of the Fallen AngelThe Blog of the Fallen Angel

Un blog p/u debates: Religie, Stiinta, Cultura si Valori Morale
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Is the world better without religion?
An inspiring debate either the world is a better place without religion.
I´m “proud” to be Romanian!
I´m proud to be Romanian! You can´t imagine how proud I am! All my country-fellow-men are very open-minded, are OK with gay people and other people of different religious views than their own! Romanians are very proud of whom they are. That´s what I have observed at least. So are Americans (including Canadians). But there […]
Call for papers
Erik Brewer…  here´s a call for papers for people like you who claim to have evidence of God´s existance. Good luck! Until then… shut up 🙂
Bucurie incomensurabila!
This rocks! P/u a intelege cititi sursa in original scrisa de Alexandru Cubert! Dupa care  cititi remixul: Mamica! Mamica! Ce bucuroasa sunt eu!!!  Yuupi Yuupi YEAH! Mos Craciun la anul nou mi-a dat Barie! Am asteptat-o aproape un an! 🙂 Nu mi-a dat-o asa din senin! Am fost cuminte, am participat la gradinita la […]
Proiect de Lege
Eu as propune ca fiecare biserica sa fie taxata cite 1 euro p/u spatiul ce il ocupa dupa formula: Taxa (lunara)= Suprafata ocupata in m^2 * Inaltimea bisericii Nu de alta dar ea aduce externalitati negative oamenilor care nu cred, si prin urmare trebuie taxata. Banii din taxe sa fie donati p/u invatamint 🙂 Ce […]
The Intrinsic Value of God!
The intrinsic value of God! 🙂 Enjoy!
Molral Values: God vs Biology
From Erik Brewer’s Comment: “Why is it that humans are the only moral beings on this earth?”  – Oh! They are Not the only ones! 🙂 And I am not even sure if people have the most moral values from all the animals. It’s not so uncommon to see animals behaving more responsible than humans. […]
Faith in its Place :)
John Loftus on Faith into God , dedicated to those who think THEIR Religion is the Right one 🙂 Link to youtube

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